Push's Cycle Log

No Training yesterday, work first then had errands to run.
Yesterday's macros:
Calories 2957
Pro 275
Carbs 245
Fat 56

Today I hit Legs and Shoulders.
Bike 7 mins
Seated leg curls 3x20
Leg extensions 1x20, 1x18, 1x15, 3x12
Hack squat 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 4x10
Leg press 4x20
Machine shoulder press 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x10/10
Machine calf raises 2x12
SS: Machine rear delt flyes w/ machine calf raises 1x15/12, 3x12/10
Machine side laterals 2x20, 3x12, 1x15

Calories 2553
Pro 264
Carbs 241
Fat 45

Tomorrow is Arms after work.
Arm Day after work.

SS: DB drag curls w/ tricep kickback 3x20/20
SS: incline alt DB curls w/ incline DB skullcrushers 4x10/12
SS: close grip press w/ standing hammer curls 1x20/12, 3x12/12
SS: close grip press w/ standing ez bar curl 4x10/10

Ab Work after each set

Calories 2972
Pro 316
Carbs 224
Fat 59

Back Day tomorrow.
Back Day
SS: Seated calf raises w/ HS standing shrugs 1x20/20, 2x15/15, 2x10/12, 5x8/10
SS: machine rear flyes w/ assisted pullups wide 1x15/12, 3x12/10
Cable low row underhand 1x12, 3x8
1 arm HS iso row neutral 4x10
HS iso row wide 4x8, 1x15
Pulldowns neutral 1x12, 1x10, dropset 1x8/6

Calories 3000
Pro 239
Carbs 256
Fat 80

Chest session after work tomorrow.

Got some chest work in tonight.
Slight incline DB flyes 4x15
Flat bench press 3x12, 5x8
Wide grip bench press 4x9, 1x15
Incline DB press 4x10

Ab Work after each set.

Calories 2651
Pro 251
Carbs 251
Fat 51

No Training tomorrow.
No training today.
Calories 2925
Pro 250
Carbs 256
Fat 73
Weight 174.4 this a.m.

Hope to get a little leg work tomorrow after work.
Leg Day at home after work.
Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 2x20, 6x10 ( 15 Standing calf raises after each set)
Bulgarian split squats 1x20, 1x15, 6x10
Leg extensions 5x12, dropset 1x15/10
Seated calf raises w/ BW pullups wide 2x15/12, 3xfail/fail nonstop

Calories 2989
Pro 297
Carbs 253
Fat 73

No training tomorrow.
No training yesterday.
Work first then Dinner and a Movie,
Yesterday's Macros:
Calories 3752
Pro 251
Carbs 323
Fat 76

Today was Back Day.
SS: Seated calf raises w/ HS standing shrugs 1x20/20, 1x15/15, 1x12/12, 5x10/10
Machine rear delt flyes 1x20, 3x12
Pulldowns neutral grip 1x15, 3x9
Cable low row underhand 4x10
HS iso high row 4x12 (Standing)
HS iso row wide 4x10
SS: assisted pull-ups wide w/ HS iso low row 1x12/12, 1x8/10, 1x8/8

Today's Macros
Calories 2744
Pro 237
Carbs 274
Fat 59

Tomorrow is chest day after work.
Chest Day after work tonight.
I did the exact same session as Thursday, just adding a little more weight/reps.
Slight incline DB flyes 4x15
Flat bench press 3x12, 5x8
Wide grip bench press 4x9, 1x17
Incline DB press 4x11

Ab Work after each set

Calories 2975
Pro 300
Carbs 229
Fat 69

Leg day tomorrow.

Got Legs and Arms done today.

Bike 7 mins
SS: seated leg curls w/ leg extensions 1x20/20, 1x16/16, 1x14/14, 1x12/12, 1x10/11
Leg press 1x25, 1x20, 1x15, 4x10, 1x20
Hack squat (close) 1x15, 1x11, 3x8, 1x25
Machine calf raises 2x12, 2x10, 2x9, dropset 1x10/7/8
Machine preacher curls 1x20, 1x16, 1x12, 3x9, 1x11, dropset 1x12/8
SS: Rope hammer curls w/ handle push downs 1x20/20, 1x15/15, 4x12/12
1 arm handle tricep extension underhand 4x12, 1x15

Calories 2929
Pro 275
Carbs 238
Fat 70

Shoulders tomorrow after work.
Great log. You look awesome and look heavier than 175 (think that was the last weight you posted). I like the 100 rep workout you posted earlier. Good stuff. Keep it up!
Lookin good brotha!

Thanks brother, its a work in progress for sure.

Great log. You look awesome and look heavier than 175 (think that was the last weight you posted). I like the 100 rep workout you posted earlier. Good stuff. Keep it up!

Thanks Rich, I'll try to get a recent pic up soon. Weight is 172 now as i'm cutting again.
And the 100 rep session was really cool and different, i'll have to give it another go.

- - - Updated - - -

Today was a quick shoulder session after work.

Seated rear delt flyes 2x20, 3x15
Seated DB shoulder press 1x15, 1x12, 5x8
Seated side laterals 4x15
SS: DB shrugs w/ DB upright rows 4x15/10

Ab work after each set.

Calories 2522
Pro 247
Carbs 219
Fat 56

No training tomorrow.
Legs after work yesterday.
Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 2x20, 4x12
(15 Single leg standing calf raise after each set)
Bulgarian split squats 6x15
SS: goblet sumo squats w/ leg extensions 4x10/10
SS: Seated calf raises w/ incline close push-ups 5x15/15

Yesterday's Macros
Calories 3208
Pro 279
Carbs 262
Fat 82

Back Day today.
Pic is last night preworkout.
Back with a side of biceps.
SS: HS standing shrugs w/ HS iso row 1x20/20, 1x20/15, 1x15/12, 1x12/10, 3x10/8
1 arm HS iso row neutral 3x10
Pulldowns neutral 1x15, 3x10
Cable low row underhand 1x12, 3x8
Face pulls 1x15, 3x10
Assisted pullups wide 3x10
Cable rope hammer curls 1x20, 3x15, dropset 1x10/10/9
Machine preacher curls 1x20, 3x8, dropset 1x12/10

Calories 2765
Pro 261
Carbs 221
Fat 66

No training tomorrow.
No training today.
Weight 170
Calories 2874
Pro 280
Carbs 246
Fat 70

Chest session tomorrow after work.
Chest session done.
Slight incline DB flyes 4x15
Flat bench press 3x12, 4x8, rp 1x6/2
Wide grip bench press 4x8, 1x18
Incline DB press 4x8-10, 1x12

Ab Work after each set.

Calories 2959
Pro 284
Carbs 234
Fat 74

Legs tomorrow a.m.

Legs and Shoulders today.
Bike 7mins
Seated leg curls 2x20, 3x10
Leg extensions 1x20, 1x15, 1x13, 1x11, 1x10
Leg press 1x20, 1x20, 1x15, 3x12, dropset 1x12/15
Hack squat 1x20, 3x12, 1x20
SS: Seated calf raises w/ HS standing shrugs 1x20/20, 1x15/15, 1x12/12, 4x10/10
Machine rear delt flyes 1x15, 3x10
Machine shoulder press 1x15, 3x10
Machine side laterals 1x17, 3x12

Calories 2862
Pro 278
Carbs 240
Fat 71

Weight was 166 this morning.
Arms tomorrow before work also a refeed day.

Got a quick arm day pump before work yesterday.
SS: DB drag curls w/ DB tricep kickback 2x20, 1x17/15, 1x15/15, 1x15/15
SS: close grip press w/ standing hammer curls 1x20/20, 1x15/14, 3x10/10
SS: DB skullcrushers w/ concentration curls 3x15/10-12

Yesterday was a refeed day sooo I ate all the carbs!
Calories 3856
Pro 320
Carbs 425
Fat 80

Weight 169.8 this a.m.

Today was a rest day.
Today's macros:
Calories 2927
Pro 271
Carbs 227
Fat 77
Tomorrow is legs after work.