Push's Cycle Log

Got some chest work in with a little bit of arms and calves.

Standing cable crossover 1x25, 1x20, 1x15, 3x12
Machine chest press neutral 1x15, 1x12, 4x9
HS iso incline 1x15, 1x12, 4x9
SS: slight incline smith press w/ HS iso wide chest 5x10/12
Handle cable push downs 1x20, 1x15, 4x12, 1x15, 1x20 with 20 Seated calf raises after each set.
Machine hammer curls 2x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 1x12, 1x14 with 10 machine calf raises after each set

No training tomorrow.
Yesterday's macros:
Calories 3887
Pro 225
Carbs 403
Fat 103

No training today.
Calories 3420
Pro 243
Carbs 305
Fat 87

Back session after work tomorrow.
Back session after work.

SS: BW pullups wide w/ DB high row 1x10/15, 1x10/12, 4x10/10
1 arm DB low row rp 1x12/7, 5x8/4, 1x12/6
SS: BW pullups neutral w/ upright rows 4x8/10
SS: DB shrugs w/ rear delt flyes 4x12/15

Calories 3488
Pro 281
Carbs 353
Fat 75

Legs tomorrow a.m.

Last edited:
Had time for a quick leg session this a.m.

Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 3x20, rp 3x10/5
SS: smith squats w/ leg press 1x15/20, 1x15/15, 4x10/15, 1x15/20
Seated calf raises rp 1x20/12/10, 1x12/8/6, 1x12/8/6

I had Applebee's for lunch and Pizza Hut for dinner.
Calories 3980
Pro 203
Carbs 365
Fat 165

Arms after work tomorrow.
Arms yesterday after work.
SS: DB drag curls w/ tricep kickback 2x20/20, 3x12/12
SS: incline DB skullcrushers w/ incline DB curls 4x15/10
SS: Seated french press w/ preacher curls 4x12/10

20 BW calf raise after every set.

Yesterday's macros
Calories 3623
Pro 286
Carbs 397
Fat 77

Chest Day at the gym today.
Chest Day
Pec dec 1x20, 3x15
Machine chest press 1x15, 1x12, 4x8, dropset 1x10/8/6
SS: HS iso incline press w/ incline cable flyes 1x13/10, 4x10/10, 1x15/10
SS: Slight incline DB press w/ HS iso wide chest 4x10/10
Standing cable flyes 4x12

Calories 4070
Pro 227
Carbs 464
Fat 123

Shoulders tomorrow after work.
Shoulders after work.
Seated rear delt flyes 2x20, 3x12
Seated DB shoulder press 1x25, 1x20, 3x15
Standing side laterals 5x20
SS: dB shrugs w/ bent over rear flyes 4x15/15

15 single leg BW calf raises after every set

Calories 3578
Pro 239
Carbs 365
Fat 84

No training tomorrow.
Work then Christmas Eve with the fam.
Christmas Eve
Calories 4120
Pro 215
Carbs 380
Fat 124

Christmas Day
Calories 3743
Pro 213
Carbs 420
Fat 113

Back session after work tomorrow

Back session tonight.
Giant set x 6

BW pullups wide 10-12
DB high row 12-15
DB shrugs. 12-15
One arm DB low row 8-12
BW pullups neutral 8-10
Upright rows 10-12
Rear delt flyes 12-15

Calories 3541
Pro 261
Carbs 359
Fat 103

Legs tomorrow a.m.

Yesterday was leg day.
Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 3x15, 3x12
Leg extensions 2x15, 3x12
Hack squat 1x20, 2x12, 4x10, dropset 1x12/12
Seated calf raises rp 1x20/12/8, 1x15/10/8, 1x12/8/8, 1x12/10/10
Leg press 1x30, 4x20

Calories 4094
Pro 251
Carbs 401
Fat 93

Chest session this a.m.
Chest work.
Standing cable crossover 1x20, 1x15, 3x10
Machine chest press 1x15, 1x12, 4x10
SS: HS iso incline press w/ incline cable flyes 1x15/10, 4x8/10
SS: slight incline smith press w/ HS iso wide chest 4x12/12
Pec Dec 4x10

Calories 3376
Pro 228
Carbs 336
Fat 88

Shoulders after work tomorrow.
Shoulders after work tonight.
Seated rear delt flyes 2x25, 3x20
Seated DB shoulder press 2x25, 3x20
Standing DB side laterals 5x10/10/10/10/10
DB shrugs 7x10/10/10

Calories 3471
Pro 299
Carbs 257
Fat 87

Legs and/or arms tomorrow.

Legs and arms.

Bike 8mins
Seated leg curls 2x20, 3x10, 1x20
Leg extensions 1x20, 1x15, rest pause 1x10/6/6/5, dropset 1x10/7/7/7
Machine calf raises rp 1x12/7, 1x12/7, 1x10/6, 1x10/6, 1x12/6
Leg press rest pause 1x25/10, 1x20/10, 1x15/8, 1x10/7, 1x10/7, 1x10/7, 1x20/10

Smith close grip press 1x20, 4x10, 1x20
Push downs with handles 1x20, 1x15, 4x10, dropset 1x14/12
Machine preacher curls 2x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 1x7, 1x10, 1x10, 1x12, 1x15

Calories 3034
Pro 229
Carbs 258
Fat 88

Might get some back work in tomorrow night.
No Training yesterday or today.

New Years Eve
Calories 4012
Pro 260
Carbs 356
Fat 108

New Years Day
Calories 2998
Pro 253
Carbs 258
Fat 77

Yesterday no training, work first then date night with the wife.
Calories 4395
Pro 291
Carbs 423
Fat 111

Today was Back day at the gym.
Pulldowns wide 1x15, 1x12, 3x9, dropset 1x10/7
1 arm HS iso low row 1x15, 4x10
HS iso row 1x15, 4x10
Cable low row underhand 4x12-15
Face pulls 4x15
HS standing shrugs 1x15, 4x12, dropset 1x12/15

Today's Macros:
Calories 3214
Pro 206
Carbs 337
Fat 104

Slept in today and bed early tonight, so missing a feeding.
The only reason I got near my calories was because we went out for lunch.
Legs tomorrow.
Leg Day at the gym.

Bike 7 mins
Seated leg curls 1x20, 1x15, 4x12
Leg extensions 1x20, 1x15, 4x12
Leg press 3x20, 4x15, 1x20
Smith squats 4x10
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10/8, 1x12/8/7, 1x8/6/6, 1x8/6/5, 1x11/9/8, 1x15/10/9

Calories 3214
Pro 257
Carbs 334
Fat 89

Chest day tomorrow.

Chest with a side of Arms.
Standing cable crossover 1x20, 1x15, dropsets 1x8/8/8, 1x8/8/8, 1x8/8/8
Slight incline smith press 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x10/10/10
HS iso incline press rest pause 1x12/6, 1x10/5, 1x10/5, 1x9/4, 1x12/6
Machine chest press neutral 3x10
Pec Dec 3x10

Rope push downs with handles 2x20, 3x12, 2x15
SS: close grip smith press w/ rope hammer curls 1x10/20, 1x10/15, 1x10/15, 1x9/12
Machine preacher curls 1x25, 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, 1x18, 1x20

Calories 2950
Pro 270
Carbs 292
Fat 82

No training tomorrow.

No training today.
Weight 178

Calories 2915
Pro 259
Carbs 260
Fat 66

Shoulders tomorrow after work.
