Push's Cycle Log

Great pic

Thanks Rich, Its starting to come together.

Great log! Very helpful

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you. Glad I can help!

- - - Updated - - -

Leg Day after work tonight.

Bike 7 mins
SS: lying leg curls w/ leg extensions 1x20/20, 2x15/15, 2x12/12, 5x10/10
(15 Standing BW single leg calf raises after each set)
SS: Goblet squat w/ DB stiff leg deads 4x12/8
(20 Standing double leg calf raises after each set)
SS: Bulgarian split squats w/ BW dips 4x15/15
SS: Seated calf raises w/ incline close pushups 4x15/15

Calories 3145
Pro 284
Carbs 204
Fat 86

Back day tomorrow.
Back Day with a little bicep work.

SS: HS Seated iso row wide w/ HS standing shrugs 3x15/15
SS: HS Seated iso row neutral w/ HS standing shrugs 1x12/10, 3x10/10
1 arm HS iso low row 2x10, 3x8, 4x6 (nonstop)
Cable low row underhand 3x12
Pulldowns neutral 1x12, 1x10, 4x8
Incline Alt DB curls rp 1x15/8, 1x10/6, 3x8/5, 1x11/8
Machine hammer preachers 1x20, 1x15, 2x12, rp 1x10/5, 1x13/7, 1x13/6

Calories 2735
Pro 254
Carbs 199
Fat 79

Shoulders tomorrow after work.
Shoulders tonight.
Seated rear delt flyes 1x25, 3x15
Standing side laterals 1x20, 3x12
Seated DB shoulder press 1x20, 3x8
Seated front raises 1x18, 3x10
Bent over rear delt flyes 3x12

Ab Work after each set.

Calories 3028
Pro 328
Carbs 212
Fat 72

Chest in the a.m.

Chest with a side of triceps.

Standing cable flyes 1x20, 1x15, 2x10
Machine chest press 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 4x8
HS iso incline press 1x12, 3x8, dropset 1x9/8
Pec dec 4x10
SS: HS iso wide chest w/ incline cable flyes 3x12/10
Smith close grip press 3x10, rp 1x10/5/4
Pushdowns vbar 1x15, 3x11-12, dropset 1x10/8

Calories 2791
Pro 313
Carbs 192
Fat 76

No Training tomorrow.

Low Carb, Low Fat, Deep Dish Pizza

No training today.
Weight 169

Calories 2838
Pro 280
Carbs 218
Fat 69

Legs tomorrow after work.
Got to the gym for a Leg Session after work today.

Bike 7 mins
SS: seated leg curls w/ leg extensions 1x20/20, 3x12/12, 1x17/17
Leg press 2x20, 2x20, rest pause 1x15/8, 1x15/7, 1x15/5, 1x14/6, 1x14/5, 1x35
Hack squats 4x10
Machine calf raises 1x15, 2x12, 2x10, rp 1x12/7, 1x10/6

Calories 3000
Pro 280
Carbs 207
Fat 90

Back day tomorrow after work.
Back session after work tonight.

BW pullups wide 3x12, 6x10
SS: Barbell shrugs w/ Rear delt flyes 2x15/15, 3x12/10
Plate high row 4x10
1 arm DB low row 4x10, 1x16
SS: DB shrugs w/ DB upright row 3x12/10

Ab Work after each set

Calories 3002
Pro 326
Carbs 195
Fat 74

Arms after work tomorrow.
No training yesterday.
Yesterday's macros:
Calories 2850
Pro 329
Carbs 164
Fat 77

Today I got some Chest and Arms in.
Standing cable crossover 1x20, 1x15, 3x12
Incline DB press (work up sets 4x8) 3x8, 3x5, 2x12
SS: HS iso incline press w/ seated calf raises 4x10/15, 3x15/20
SS: machine dips w/ machine preacher curls 1x15/15, 1x12/12, 4x8/10
SS: Handle push down w/ cable rope hammer curls 1x15/15, 1x12/12, 4x10/10

Weight was 168 this a.m.
Today macros will be through the roof.

I'm going to try a few of your workouts sometime.

:flex:Right on brother, you'll have to let me know what you think.

- - - Updated - - -

Yesterday was no training.
Macros for yesterday:
Calories 2654
Pro 292
Carbs 192
Fat 71

Today I got a shoulder session after work.
Giant set:
Seated rear delt flyes
Seated DB shoulder press
Standing side laterals
Standing DB shrugs
DB Upright rows

1x20 each
1x15 each
1x12 each
3x10 each

Ab Work after each set.

Calories 2980
Pro 330
Carbs 205
Fat 71

Leg Day tomorrow.

Legs and triceps.

Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 2x20, 1x15, 4x12
SS: leg extensions w/ machine calf raises 1x15/13, 1x12/11, 1x11/12, 3x10/10
Leg press 1x20, 1x20, 1x15, 1x15, 3x10, 1x20
Hack squat 4x10
SS: Seated calf raises w/ tricep pushdowns neutral 1x15/25, 1x13/20, 4x10/10
SS: Seated calf raises w/ smith close grip press 4x8/12
Machine dips 1x15, 3x10

Calories 3008
Pro 335
Carbs 203
Fat 78

Back Day tomorrow.
Back and Biceps

SS: HS Seated iso row wide w/ HS standing shrugs 1x15/15, 1x15/15, 3x10/10
SS: HS Seated iso row neutral w/ HS standing shrugs 3x10/10, 1x15/15
1 arm HS iso low row 2x12, 3x10, 4x6 (nonstop)
Machine pulldowns wide 1x14, 3x9, 1x12
Cable pulldowns neutral 3x12, dropset 1x6/8/8
Rope face pulls 3x12
Machine rear delt flyes 3x10
Incline DB curls 1x12, 1x10, 3x8, rp 1x10/5
Machine preacher curls 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x14/8

Calories 2908
Pro 319
Carbs 193
Fat 71

Rest Day tomorrow.

Friday no training.
Macros: Calories 3049, Pro 339, Carbs 173, Fat 84

Saturday no training.
Macros: Calories 3045, Pro 308, Carbs 168, Fat 74 (tequila=empty calories)

Today was leg day and I had to make up for yesterday's missed chest session.

Bike 7 mins
SS: seated leg curls w/ leg extensions 1x20/20, 1x15/15, 3x10/10
Hack squats 2x15, 2x12, 4x10, dropset 1x12/9
Leg press 1x15, 1x12, 4x10
Seated calf raises 2x15, 4x12
Machine calf raises 4x10
Standing cable crossover 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, dropset 1x12/10
Machine chest press 1x15, 1x12, 4x8, dropset 1x10/9
HS iso incline press rp 1x15/8, 1x13/7, 1x12/7
Pec dec 4x10

Weight was 168.8 this a.m.
Tomorrow is Back Day after work.

Pics are yesterday no pump, and my kid's birthday cake.
Yesterday was Back day after work.
BW Pullups wide 3x15
BW pullups underhand 6x8
Bent row underhand 1x13, 5x8, rp 1x11/6
1 arm DB high row 3x8, 2x12
SS: Barbell shrugs w/ bent rear delt flyes 1x15/15, 4x10/10

Ab Work after each set.

Yesterday's macros:
Calories 2648
Pro 297
Carbs 179
Fat 66

Today was Arm Day after work.
SS: DB drag curls w/ tricep kickback 1x20/20, 3x12/12 (15 Standing BW calf raises after each set)
SS: incline DB curls w/ weighted dips 1x15/15, 3x10/10 (10 Standing BW single leg calf raises after each set)
SS: Close grip press w/ standing hammer curls 3x12/10, 1x18/18 (15 Seated DB calf raises after each set)

Calories 2963
Pro 293
Carbs 213
Fat 85

Tomorrow is Shoulders
Shoulder day after work.
Seated rear delt flyes 2x25, 3x15
Arnold press 1x12, 4x8
Seated heavy partial laterals 6x8
SS: DB shrugs w/ bent rear delt flyes 4x10/10, 1x20/20
Standing side laterals 6x6 (muscle rounds)

Ab Work after each set.

Calories 2869
Pro 331
Carbs 192
Fat 68

Leg Day tomorrow after work.

Leg day after work.

Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 4x20
Squats 2x20, 2x12, 5x10, 1x20
Leg extensions 1x15, 3x10, muscle rounds 4x6
SS: Seated calf raises w/ standing BW calf raises 4x15/10

Calories 2638
Pro 313
Carbs 178
Fat 57
Weight was 170 this a.m.

Chest tomorrow after work.
Last edited:
Chest work last night.
Slight incline DB flyes 1x20, 1x15, 2x12
Bench press 1x15, 1x12, 4x8, 1x7, rp 1x7/3
Wide grip bench press rp 1x12/6, ds 1x11/9, rp 1x14/6, ds 1x11/14
Incline DB press 3x8, 1x15
Ab work after each set

Yesterday's Macros:
Calories 2619

Pro 328
Carbs 148
Fat 66

Back session after work tonight.

BW pullups wide 1x12, 4x10
DB low row 1x15, 3x10, rp 1x10/6
BW pullups UH 4x8
Barbell row UH 4x10
Giant set:
Barbell Shrug, rear delt flyes, DB shrugs 1x15 each, 3x10 each, 1x20 each

Calories 2759
Pro 332
Carbs 168
Fat 74
Legs tomorrow.