Push's Cycle Log

Got a quick shoulder session in tonight.
Seated rear delt flyes 2x20, 3x12
SS: Seated side lateral raises w/ DB shrugs 3x15/15
SS: Seated DB shoulder press w/ DB shrugs 3x15/15
SS: standing front raises w/ bent over rear delt flyes 3x10/12

Calories 3910
Pro 253
Carbs 390
Fat 109

Leg Day tomorrow

Leg day.
Bike 7 mins
Seated leg curls 2x20, 3x15
Leg extensions 1x15, 3x11, 1x15
SS: leg press w/ hack squat 1x20/8, 4x15/10
Seated calf raises rp 1x18/12, 3x13/9, 1x18/12

Calories 3281
Pro 232
Carbs 310
Fat 99

Chest session tomorrow before work.
Yesterday got a quick chest session in before work.
Flat bench 1x12, 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6, 1x6, dropset 1x15/10
Wide grip bench press 3x10, 1x20
Incline DB press 1x15, 3x10, 1x15

Yesterday's macros: Calories 3220, Pro 247, Carbs 322, Fat 85

Today was a rest day, Happy Halloween.
Calories 3352
Pro 265
Carbs 321
Fat 91

Tomorrow is Back Day

Back Day at the gym.
Machine pulldowns wide 2x15, 1x12, 4x8, 1x15
HS iso 1 arm row 1x15, 3x11, 1x15
HS iso low row 1x15, 3x10, 1x15
Pulldowns wide neutral 1x20, 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x10, 1x13
Seated face pulls 4x12
HS seated shrugs 4x15

Calories 3317
Pro 241
Carbs 331
Fat 83

Arms tomorrow after work.
Arm day after work.
SS: DB drag curls w/ tricep kickbacks 2x20/20, 3x15/15
SS: close grip press w/ standing hammer curls 1x20/20, 1x15/15, 3x10/12
SS: Seated french press w/ ez bar preacher curls 1x20/15, 1x16/12, 3x12/9
20 Standing BW calf raises between every set

Calories 2638
Pro 247
Carbs 229
Fat 54
Was short a feeding today but everything I did eat was clean.

Rest Day tomorrow.
Today was a rest day.
Calories 3083
Pro 240
Carbs 308
Fat 73

No training tomorrow either.
Yesterday was a rest day.
Calories 4065
Pro 269
Carbs 421
Fat 92

Tonight was chest session at the gym.
Standing cable crossover 1x25, 1x20, 1x15, 1x20
HS iso incline press 1x20, 1x13, 3x10, dropset 1x12/12
Machine chest press 1x15, 1x11, 3x8, dropset 1x12/12
Pec Dec 3x10
HS iso wide chest 1x20, 1x12, 1x20

Today's macros:
Calories 3630
Pro 265
Carbs 348
Fat 97

Tomorrow is shoulders before work.

No training yesterday.
Yesterday's macros:
Calories 3216
Pro 219
Carbs 348
Fat 76

Today I hit shoulders after work.
Seated rear delt flyes 2x20, 2x12, dropset 1x12/15
Seated DB shoulder press 1x20, 1x15, 2x12, dropset 1x12/15
Standing side lateral raises rest pause 1x18/8, 1x16/8, 1x18/10
Giant set:
Front raises/rear flyes/db shrugs/upright rows 3x10/10/10/10

Today's macros:
Calories 3111
Pro 294
Carbs 281
Fat 60



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Leg day.
I've been having some issues with my right hip.
So I haven't trained legs in over a week.
Today I decided that I would do a higher rep/more pump focused leg day.

Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 5x20
Leg extensions 3x20, 3x15
Leg press: narrow low 4x20, 1x50
Leg press: wide middle 1x25, 3x20, 1x50
Seated calf raises rp 3x15/10
Machine calf raises 4xfail
Abductors 1x25, 3x20, 1xfail

Calories 2822
Pro 242
Carbs 257
Fat 75

Going to try for a back session after work tomorrow.
Cycle adjustment: Dropped tbol, upped var to 40mg ed, and changed mast to .70ml eod. Test u still at 1ml once a week.
Back day at home after work.
Session was cut short by a phone call about an old friend.
Anyway I will have to work another back day in this week.

BW pullups wide 3x12, 1x10, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6
DB low row 4x10, 1x15
BW pullups neutral 2x10

Calories 3143
Pro 266
Carbs 250
Fat 97

Been trying to keep my fats a little lower lately, but my wife made a baked mac with ground beef tonight.

No training yesterday.
Yesterday's Macros: Calories 3124, Pro 244, Carbs 282, Fat 99

Today was another back day.
BW pullups wide 3x12, 4x10
One arm DB high row 1x15, 3x10, 1x15
DB shrugs 4x15
DB Upright rows 3x12
Rear delt flyes 3x15
20 Standing BW calf raises between every set.

SS: DB drag curls w/ DB kickbacks 4x20/20

Today's Macros:
Calories 3677
Pro 269
Carbs 330
Fat 77
About 500 cals from margaritas.

Tomorrow is Chest Day.



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No training yesterday.
Yesterday's Macros: Calories 3124, Pro 244, Carbs 282, Fat 99

Today was another back day.
BW pullups wide 3x12, 4x10
One arm DB high row 1x15, 3x10, 1x15
DB shrugs 4x15
DB Upright rows 3x12
Rear delt flyes 3x15
20 Standing BW calf raises between every set.

SS: DB drag curls w/ DB kickbacks 4x20/20

Today's Macros:
Calories 3677
Pro 269
Carbs 330
Fat 77
About 500 cals from margaritas.

Tomorrow is Chest Day.

Nice back

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Yesterday was Chest Day.
Standing cable crossover 1x25, 1x20, 1x15, 1x20
HS iso incline press 1x20, 1x12, 3x10, dropset 1x12/12
Machine chest press 1x15, 1x13, 3x10, dropset 1x10/7/6
Pec Dec 4x12
HS iso side/wide chest press 4x10-12

Yesterday's macros: Calories 2919, Pro 225, Carbs 298, Fat 71

Today was no training.
Calories 2851
Pro 249
Carbs 269
Fat 68

Arm Day after work tomorrow
Arm Day after work today.

SS: DB drag curls w/ tricep kickback 2x20/20, 2x15/15, 2x12/12
SS: close grip press w/ hammer curls 1x20/20, 1x15/15, 3x10/10, 1x15/15
SS: DB skullcrushers w/ concentration curls 1x15/15, 3x12/12, 1x25/25

Calories 3259
Pro 271
Carbs 302
Fat 77

Leg day tomorrow.
Leg day at the gym.

Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 2x20, 3x15, 1x18
Leg extensions 2x15, 2x12, 2x10
Leg press (low narrow) 1x25, 1x20, 3x15, 1x25
Leg press (middle wide) 4x20
Seated calf raises rp 3x15/10/10
Machine calf raises 3xfail
Abductors 3x15-18

No work today and I have missed a couple meals this week so I ate alot today.
Calories 3587
Pro 268
Carbs 339
Fat 101

Either shoulders or rest tomorrow, work will dictate which.
No training yesterday but I ate everything I could get my hands on.
Yesterday's macros: Calories 3728, Pro 250, Carbs 391, Fat 109

Today was Chest w/ a little shoulders.
Incline bench press 2x15, 3x12, dropset 1x12/12
Flat bench press 2x12, 3x8, double dropset 1x9/6/8
Incline DB press dropsets 1x12/10, 1x10/10, 1x8/10
Seated DB side laterals 1x25, 1x20, 1x15, 1x20, 1x25

20 Standing BW calf raises between every set.

Calories 3342
Pro 285
Carbs 310
Fat 68

Tomorrow is Back Day.

Back day.
Pulldowns wide 2x15, 4x10
HS iso high row 1x15, 3x10
1 arm HS iso row 1x13, 3x8-9
HS iso low row 1x15, 3x10, 1x15
HS standing shrugs 1x20, 3x10, 1x20
Machine rear delt flyes 3x12

Calories 3241
Pro 245
Carbs 274
Fat 127



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Yesterday was no training.
Calories 4763
Pro 310
Carbs 422
Fat 150
Went to dinner and a late movie with the wife, hence all the extra cals.

Today was leg day.
Bike 7 mins
Leg extensions 7x15-20
Lying leg curls 7x20
Leg press 7x20
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10, 3x12/8
Machine calf raises 4xfail

Calories 2904
Pro 233
Carbs 311
Fat 60
No training today.
Calories 3166
Pro 257
Carbs 330
Fat 73
Going to try to squeeze a quick arm session tomorrow.
Next few days will be long workdays.

Arm day after work tonight.
SS: DB drag curls w/ tricep kickback 2x20/20, 2x12/12
SS: DB skullcrushers w/ seated hammer curls 3x15/12
SS: Seated french press w/ preacher curls 1x25/20, 3x15/10, 1x20/15

20 standing BW calf raises between every set

Calories 3762
Pro 248
Carbs 350
Fat 127

I had some pizza, some homemade coconut bread, and some meat pie today.
All delicious but high in fat.

Tomorrow is work first then Thanksgiving dinner with the family.