Push's Cycle Log

No training today, work got in the way.
Calories 4119
Pro 260
Carbs 424
Fat 114

I'll try again tomorrow to get Arms done after work.
Worked late but still got a quick arm session in.
DB drag curls w/ DB kickbacks 2x25/25, 3x15/15
Close grip press w/ concentration curls 1x15/15, 4x12/10
DB skullcrushers w/ standing hammer curls 1x15/15, 1x12/12, 1x12/10, 1x12/10

Calories 3400
Pro 239
Carbs 350
Fat 95

Legs tomorrow.


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Leg Day at the gym.
Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 2x20, 3x15
Leg extensions 2x15, 3x12
Leg press 2x20, 2x15, 5x12, dropset 1x20/20
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10, 1x12/10, 1x10/8
Machine calf raises drop sets 1x10/9, 1x10/8, 1x10/7

Calories 3906
Pro 240
Carbs 418
Fat 118

Chest Day tomorrow.
Chest day after work.
Incline bench press 1x20, 1x15, 1x13, 1x11, 4x8
Wide grip bench press 4x10
Slight incline hex press 4x12
Incline DB press 4x8-9
BW dips 3xfail

Calories 3901
Pro 282
Carbs 401
Fat 104

Tomorrow will be a rest day.

Yesterday no training.
Calories 3290, Pro 233, Carbs 345, Fat 78

Today was shoulders after work.
Seated rear delt flyes 2x25, 3x12
Seated DB shoulder press 2x12, 4x8
Seated front raises 4x10
Standing side laterals 3x10, 2x20
Normally I would have finished with another rear delt movement but I have Back tomorrow early.

Today's Macros:
Calories 3580
Pro 301
Carbs 305
Fat 82

Pic is Tonight's dinner / Post workout meal.


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Back Day at the gym today.
Pulldowns close neutral 1x15, 2x12, 4x9
Low cable row neutral 1x15, 4x9
Machine row underhand 1x15, 4x10
HS iso row 4x10
Pulldowns wide neutral 4x10-12
DB shrugs 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 1x13, 1x15, dropset 1x9/15

Calories 4081
Pro 259
Carbs 471
Fat 105

Legs tomorrow.
Leg Day at the gym.
Bike 7 mins
Seated leg curls 1x25, 1x20, 4x12
Leg extensions 2x15, 4x12
Hack squats 1x20, 4x12
Leg press 2x20, 3x15, dropset 1x15/15
Seated calf raises rp 1x20/12, 1x12/8, 2x10/8, 1x13/10, 1x15/12
Machine calf raises 4x10-12

Calories 3430
Pro 220
Carbs 416
Fat 66

Arms tomorrow after work.
Quick Arm Blast after work.
DB drag curls w/ kickbacks 1x25/25, 1x20/20, 3x15/15
Close grip press w/ concentration curls 1x20/20, 1x15/15, 3x10/10
DB skullcrushers w/ seated hammer curls 3x15/13, 1x20/17

Calories 3931
Pro 277
Carbs 430
Fat 93



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Yesterday was chest day.
Cable crossover flyes 1x25, 3x15
Machine chest press 2x15, 1x12, 4x9
HS iso incline 1x15, 5x8-9
Smith slight incline wide grip press 1x15, 3x9, 1x15
Pec Dec 3x10, 1x15

Yesterday's macros: Calories 4156, Pro 252, Carbs 442, Fat 89

Today was a quick leg session.
Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 2x20, 3x13
Leg extensions 5x13
Leg press 1x25, 1x20, rest pause 3x12/8, 1x20/12, 1x30/15
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10/8, 1x10/8/8, 1x11/7/6, 1x15/10/7

Today's Macros: Calories 3925, Pro 246, Carbs 355, Fat 133

Post Workout Meal:



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No training today.
Work first then birthday dinner for the wife.
Calories 3836
Pro 249
Carbs 404
Fat 94

Back day after work tomorrow.
Back Day after work.

BW pullups wide 4x12
DB low row 1x15, 4x9
BW pullups neutral 4x8-10
DB high rows 4x12
DB shrugs dropsets 4x12/12

Calories 3864
Pro 261
Carbs 422
Fat 102

Shoulders after work tomorrow.
No training today, life got in the way.
Calories 3541
Pro 252
Carbs 357
Fat 78
I'll have to try to work shoulders in another day.
Arms tomorrow after work.
Arm Day after work tonight.
SS: DB drag curls w/ DB kickbacks 2x20/20, 3x15/15
SS: close grip press w/ concentration curls 1x15/15, 4x10/10
SS: seated french press w/ ez bar preacher curls 3x12/10
SS: DB skullcrushers w/ seated hammer curls 3x12/10

Calories 3691
Pro 259
Carbs 395
Fat 93

Legs tomorrow.


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Yesterday was Leg Day
Bike 7 mins
Seated leg curls 2x20, 3x12, 1x20
Hack squats 2x20, 2x15, 3x8, dropset 1x12/15
Leg press 2x25, 1x15, 2x20
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10/8, 1x12/8/7, 1x11/7/7, 1x15/8/8
Leg extensions drop sets 1x12/7/5, 1x10/7/5, 1x12/6/5

Yesterday's Macros: Calories 4189, Pro 242, Carbs 396, Fat 114

Today was Chest Day
Standing cable crossovers 1x25, 1x20, 3x15
HS iso incline press 1x15, 1x15, 1x12, 3x10 (+ forced reps), double dropset 1xfail/fail/fail
HS iso Single decline pec press 3x10-12, 1x15 (with forced reps every set)
Incline cable flyes 1x10, 1x20 (+forced reps and partials)

Got to train with a partner today, she is a physique competitor, a personal trainer and she pushed me hard.
Only did 4 movements but with all the forced reps and partials my chest was fried.
I had forgotten how good it can be to have a competent spotter to train with.

Today's Macros: Calories 3438, Pro 246, Carbs 388, Fat 72

Going to add low dose anavar onto the mix with the tbol.




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Today was Back Day
Machine pulldowns wide 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x10, dropset 1x9/7/15
One arm HS iso row 1x15, 1x12, 3x8, 1x12, 1x15
HS iso high row 1x20, 3x10, 1x15
Cable pulldowns neutral close 3x10, 1x20
SS: HS standing shrugs w/ Hs iso low row 1x20/12, 1x12/12, 1x12/10, 1x10/10, 1x15/12, 1x20/12

Calories 3677
Pro 236
Carbs 429
Fat 90

Tomorrow is shoulders.
Shoulders after work tonight.
Seated rear delt flyes 3x20
Seated DB shoulder press 4x15
Standing side lateral raises 4x15
SS: seated front raises w/ bent rear delt flyes 3x10/12

Calories 3855
Pro 262
Carbs 423
Fat 88

Probably wont get to train for a few days, got some long work days coming.
Tonight's dinner/post workout meal.



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No training today.
Calories 3489
Pro 241
Carbs 385
Fat 82

Cycle right now is:
PSL Test undeconoate 1ml once a week.
PSL Mast p .5ml ed
PSL tbol 20mg ed
PSL var 20ng ed

No training tomorrow.
Got a quick arm pump tonight after work.
SS: db drag curls w/ kickbacks 2x20/20, 3x15/15
SS: close grip press w/ standing hammer curls 1x15/15, 4x10/10
SS: DB skullcrushers w/ concentration curls 3x12/12

Calories 3612
Pro 263
Carbs 378
Fat 98


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