#'s on D.C.


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Gold Member
Just finished the second round of my first workout on D.C.
My #'s went up pretty good. Everything went up in weight with
bi.'s and quads also going up in reps. Quads jumped up 40 lbs with
a couple more reps added.
I was wondering what other people's experiences were. I am thinking
bigger gains in the begining then tapering off.
This D.C. was a great switch for me - I needed it and was definitly ready for
it. Again, what have you others on D.C. experienced.
im getting steady gains each week, but Im also in a restriced caloric intake right now. I'd imagine my gains would be greater if I were above maintenance calories.

I add a couple of reps each time I do a particular workout, or I add a little weight (like 5% or less) and keep the same reps. Kinda like while on cycle and bulking.
I had the same experience. My squat went up 40 lbs from 365 to 405 which broke my personal record. Needless to say, I was amazed. Strength has gone up considerably in many lifts, but like you, I'll have to see how it goes.
Bench and Incline are both up 20lbs for the same amount of reps.

It's tough to judge most lifts. I'm squatting 50lbs more than when I started, but did 2 less reps.