Starting back on MC IGF tomorrow...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I just got my latest order in and I'm going to be jumping back on MC IGF starting tomorrow.

Since it's been a while since I've ran it, I think I'm going to start at 60mcg and go from there. I'm hoping to drop some body fat in the belly area and also bring up my shoulders again. My shoulders have come a long way since I used this the first time so I'm hoping to get the same or similar results with this run as well.

I'm going to run it preworkout on training days and then in the morning upon waking on non-training days.

I'll get my weight and bodyfat today so I have a starting point
And stats as of today (before starting this) were bodyweight is 169.4 and bodyfat was 11.1%. I'm going to use the same exact scale for all weigh ins to make it easy without judging by multiple scales since they are all different for some reason. This is one of those expensive scales with that uses the electronic impedience to get the bodyfat. I know it's not THAT accurate, but it'll work for now and will be consistent
I just started mine as well. It's crazy how much better it makes your joints and tendons feel with just a couple days use!
Tonight was chest day and I trained by myself so I couldn't get any good videos, but I sure tried lol. I have some from far away doing cable crossovers and I did take one pic, but you can't tell much. But since I promised to take a pic in their shirt, I'll post it up anyway..
First you ask if you're getting pics, then you complain when there's one up. We can't all take pics in our posing truck looking like a monster
And I'll pass on putting the video up, but I did get some better pics tonight that are on my phone and I'll send them to my email in the morning and get them up. I forgot how great the pumps are on this stuff, I applied to my lats tonight and I felt amazing in the gym
Yeah put them up...
How do you do your own lats? I think I've lost flexibility or dexterity or
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And I'll pass on putting the video up, but I did get some better pics tonight that are on my phone and I'll send them to my email in the morning and get them up. I forgot how great the pumps are on this stuff, I applied to my lats tonight and I felt amazing in the gym
Big et al - I see that everyone is all about bi lateral spot treatment for IGF. Nobody discusses the pin or depth. I think ive heard there is no trouble drawing w/ slin pin. does IGF need to get deep (1"+) intramuscular for spot treatment or does half inch pin work?
Big et al - I see that everyone is all about bi lateral spot treatment for IGF. Nobody discusses the pin or depth. I think ive heard there is no trouble drawing w/ slin pin. does IGF need to get deep (1"+) intramuscular for spot treatment or does half inch pin work?

1/2 is fine bro. If I have no issues getting it deep you definitely would not.