Super-Front Load EQ

I am having surgery on my shoulders next week, sucks cause the last year i have been working sooo hard to look good again and now l will be out for five months. When i come back i am going to try a nice long cycle. From what i have been reading, lots have or are doing it. Should have ask the question a long time ago. Thanks brothers for the great info........
I bet the sides were crazy huh? last time I did that much thinking it would do a lot more I had crazy sides and some pinning issues. I don't run more than 600wk of anything now.
I'm thinking about cutting the front load down to just 4 weeks at 1200mg and dropping it down to 600 for the remainder
Sides on EQ aren't that bad & even Mike Arnold has had his guys up at 3000mg/wk trust Me...higher is the way to go with EQ if You can stand the anxiety