Test Cyp vs Sust for TRT?


New member
Hey guys,

I'm about ready to place an order was wondering anyone's thoughts/experience in using sust in place of my cyp for TRT? I dose 200mg weekly noticed the great deal on Sus325 and even Sus450 and was thinking to stock up if they would offer comparable results to the cyp I'm on.

Obviously I would modify my doses to fit my TRT when I'm due for labs and then have some flexibility to add a little more when I've got some time in between.

Any advice / input appreciated!
cyp hands down.
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Ok so... cyp. I'm curious though why some of the others if dosed right wouldn't do as well? Not trying to argue with anyone but genuinely curious as to why any of the others wouldn't work.

Sounds good Irish...

How bout if I just want something to blast with at different points with my TRT. Would a Sustagen325 or Sus4fifty be good then along with some EQ or D-bol?

I'm pretty sure about 400-600 PW with my TRT would be good but curious about adding a blended test along with it or not? I would need to be careful not to throw my labs too far off or know some timing suggestions for when to back it off.

Okay, one of the other TRT guys here: Test Ethanate and Test Cypionate are virtually the same as far as half life. The only difference between them really is the type of ester used. Cypionate is more commonly used in TRT because it's cheaper to produce commercially, and because it has come to be known for that use. Doctors who really know what they are doing know you can use either one, but they'll still often prescribe Cypionate because it's more readily available. If you're doing your own TRT or "cycling" a higher dose for your TRT, you can use either one. The main point of using them is to maintain stable blood levels since you know the half life is 7-10 days.

Using Sustanon for TRT isn't the best idea only because you have on average four different esters ranging from short to very long. That means it will be harder to predict and maintain a stable blood level. Again, if you're "cycling," it isn't going to make much difference while you're "on," but for real TRT purposes, it will be harder to know where you are. Cutting down for labs later may also be difficult. You may have to come off earlier to deal with the really long esters because they may throw off the blood test when you think your levels are down and they really aren't. It's best to stick with a single ester whether it be prop, cyp, or ethanate.
I was reading an article once where they talked about using sustanon for TRT. The gist of it ended up being if you take your dose once every ten days you get nice stable blood levels the whole way. The prop kicks in right away, then the phenylprop, cyp/deconate etc. It probably is still simpler to use cyp or enathate, but if one wanted to use sustanon(or a blend) that may be the way to go.