The question we all hate to hear


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
"Can you help me get some gear?" One of my friends from high school saw me last week and was blown away. Instantly he assumes I have access to all his gear needs. He does not ask if I have been working out for 16 years straight. He asks what he needs to get on. I said you need to get on a cutting program. Dude you are fat and gear is gonna be a waste of time. He was 240 and 5'8. He is no less than 35 percent body fat. I told him that he had some unrealistic expectations and needed to put some time in and get in better shape first. He may still find someone but I did the right thing Im pretty sure.
Ugh.. this happened last night to me at the gym.... I am the big guy at 277 and everyone assumes I am the AS cartel henchman...
I just tell those people that its all about training and eating correctly and often... they get pissed and walk away...
Ugh.. this happened last night to me at the gym.... I am the big guy at 277 and everyone assumes I am the AS cartel henchman...
I just tell those people that its all about training and eating correctly and often... they get pissed and walk away...

I graduated high school weighing 135 I get the auto assumption when i see guys from high school or that i partied with when i enrolled in college (notice i didn't say "when I went college)......i generally just walk's a no win situation but it makes them feel like an extreme ass

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Well I was brutally honest. 35 percent body fat and gear equals dumb. I would guarantee his blood pressure is high already. He didn't even know what pct was or why he should have anti estrogens. I dubbed him not worthy of info for now.
Tell him it's in the water at your house........and NO , you can't come over!!

I had a guy ask me at the wawa what my diet looked like. I told him he doesn't want to know. He asked why.....I said , whatever I want!! Along with some good ole physical construction work for a living.

Tell stop hanging in wamby pamby land and build his confidence.....Jack Wagon !!
With a title like, "The question we all hate to hear." I thought the thread was going to say, "Are you the father?" I hate that question, but I am still overweight, but I have loss twenty pounds, and so everyone keeps asking me how I did it. And of course you say, "Got my diet together.", people are always looking for the easy way. And even if you know anything about gear, and told them about it, they would be stuck to you, asking you everything, instead of coming onto a forum and asking somewhat of educational questions. OR MAYBE I AM JUST TRYING TO MAKE MYSELF FEEL BETTER. Damn it, NEVAMIND, I'm still upset the Texans loss on a hail mary pass today!!!!!!
I get asked this all the time and usually I will just give the person a nice awkward stare. Most of the time they will get the hint and walk away, but occasionally they will pester me until i tell them that they have NO business walking up to a completely random individual at the gym and asking about illegal substances. If this were a buddy or even remotely an acquaintance, then this would be a different story.

Oh and Ozzy, that chicks ass in your avatar is RIDICULOUS. God I would love to bury my face in that thing for the rest of my natural born life...
This has only happened to me once so far, and I pointed to my wrist wraps and oh shit man I buy all my gear at!