Tren Act..


MuscleChemistry Guru
planning new cycle for spring, start date being late december...

was thinking of tren act

couldnt find anything on this board, and you guys are the only ones i trust.

i have 10ml 100mg bottles

didnt know how to run properly.

was planning on running anadrol first, then add in sus and deca.... follows by the tren and winn. thinking of a 18 week cycle since last ones have been short.

anadrol 50-100 mg for 4-6 week
sus 750-100 , then stop 3 weeks out from show
deca 500mgs for the first 9 week
tren for the following 9 weeks
and winn the last 6 weeks

was really wondering the tren dosage :-)

thanks guys and have a great weekend

and dnt forget to vote for me at (vote males **jonathan bena **) :thumbsup:
with Tren A everyday is the best to get the max out of it but dont do no longer than every third day.
I was running something like 75EOD, I based mine on the protocol around 220 per week is what many pro's swear by..not sure why that number, but that is pretty well known protocol..

I liked the acetate and ran it for 6-8 weeks, which for me was too long, because I lost some hair on my hairline, liver was pretty stressed, no matter how much water I drank my urine was dark or brown...and I got acne...

I did look like a superhero afterward though...

I hear some people running 25 or 50mgs ED as well....

I tried 50EOD as well for a 6 week cycle once, and it worked well also!!

Hope this helps a little ^^ for other answers...
this is what i am running right now and it is the best cycle that i have ever been on. the 75 eod.
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like b2see said, watch out for the sides, cause they hit you quick. Have plenty of HG cabaser/dostinex on hand....
personally i did 150mg EOD or 75mg ED .. and was rockin' hardcore for 8 weeks straight.... did that with prop / and 100mg winstrol ED ... took all the helpful sups like milk thistle, cranberry, saw palmetto, drank at LEAST a gallon of water a day and ate like a horse.. i grew and grew strong... i gained 8lbs off the 1st 12 days off that cycle.. it was awesome
If you don't have much experience with tren ace yet, then probably 50-75mg EOD will be plenty for you considering what you are running before it. If you have used it a few times before, then perhaps 100mg EOD would be good. Just watch the sides and back off the dosage if they get bad. I prefer tren ethanate myself, but like the others, I grew and grew strong off it. I ran it alongside my HRT for about 4 weeks and gained a good 5lbs while losing a LOT of fat.
I agree with saudades if ur newer to it then eod will be fine at 50-75mg, and better yet 25-50mg daily as nuknuk stated ed is best
now if i cut my test 4-6 weeks before show (end of cycle) my test will be non existant .... correct ?
Probably so. You could use test prop probably up until 1-2 weeks before.
ok ill do that then, is the past (test wise) i have taken omandren 250 at 750 a week with ok results. since im running prop this time around, do you guy recomend 100mg on mon, wens, fri or 150mg on mon ,wen ,fri. im 210 6'1 ( 4th decent cycle)
Ya your first time on tren should always be 50-75mg,then work your dose up.If you do well on tren A,then you can do Tren E longer lasting,with less shots.Also Androl is a bad pick for orals there are better picks out there like Vars or T-bol.
75mg ED is a great dose I think even for the first timer, or 150mg EOD. I've run that and it's worked perfect regardless of how many times i've ran it.... it's been a while since i've used tren though... lol ... i just remember great pumps!!
tren is the dogs bollock ive done it once before and put on like a pound a day with no sides at all no cough no sweets bit of a limp dick towards the end but i was single so i didnt care.
right now im running eq/test for 10 weeks with ace 75 eod for 6 weeks cant wait for the tren,if u have never done it before you will be shocked not only by your gains during but after as well this stuff is for keeps.
good luck and keep us informed im sure people would like before and after pics if ya can.
p.s dont for get the liquidex and good pct.