What the European/middle eastern guys do ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Over on a different board we have been having a great disscusion on why the European BB/Middle Eastern BB are so much more ripped or leaner than the U.S. guys...If you ever check out the results/pics from the World Championships, you will so some of the most ripped/shredded bodybuilder's in the world...Here are a few examples of post made by the guys (and pics)


This is by BUSELMO who lives in the middle east on how guys dietchris250

i'm just gonna tell you what the guy told me (if you follow my posts, you know which guy i'm talking about)...
day in day out for the last 8 weeks of his contest

"i eat about 30 egg whites a day. 500 grams of chicken, and lots of aminos. some rice after training because of the insulin, and sometimes i use brown bread to make a sandwich with those egg whites"....

the guy competed at 95kg, and he's around 5'6.

not to sound mean or anything , but he told me he never goes above 750 mg or 800 mg... but when he tells me the list of stuff he takes and the doses... well, i think the guy flunked math class a couple of times cuz he can't add for shit ...

as for training... this guy sometimes trains twice a day... he only recently did cardio for a contest (this year) but didn't like it and stopped.

again... bodybuilding isn't rocket science... that's why a lot of the top competitors have the mentality of a two year old (sorry, i didn't mean to hurt anyone, but you gotta give me a break. they aren't the smartest people around)... and people here try to bring things down to an exact science! LOL! i know a guy (huge and shredded) that actually thinks he's eating 500 grams of protein... and tells everyone he eats 500 grams of protein... LOOOOL! turns out he eats 500 grams of chicken.
even if you know what these people eat, most guys on here are gonna over analyze and start to try and tailor it to their weight and what not... well, it won't work that way.

a LOT of people are gonna jump on me for this... A LOT!!! loool... but really... it's not rocket science... eat protein... shoot gear... take your fat burners...
if it aint working.... up all three.... if it aint working... up'em again... if it aint working... go to your dealer and spit in his face or call the cops on him.

One of my friends has been following my "old" diet advice, and gear advice... use as little as possible and focus 100% on your diet and training... he spent 2 years trying to be 5% fat at 70 kg (he's 5'5)... he couldn't do it... no matter what we tried... 2 months ago he came to me very frustrated and said he's gonna try it one last time then he's going for lipo... I told him to swallow as many clen tabs and ephedrine tabs as he can, go on 500 mg enanthate and 400 tren with 50 mg winny daily and train 2 hours a day 5 days a week without cardio
he's now 82 kg at 7% fat.

his diet had even fewer calories than he'd ever dieted on. 200 grams of protein with less than 50 grams of fat 3 days,then he eats whatever the hell he wants in massive quantities for a day.

let me make it clear and simple!


On training that they do

Originally Posted by buselmo
i don't know about europe in detail, just heard lots of stories from guys who travel there for "bodybuidling purposes"
but here... 500-750 mg test for poor people ... people usually go for cypionate in the offseason at 400-600 mg, but still it isn't a favorite.
gear wise
offseason: a little bit of cypionate, lots of deca, dbol, anadrol, EQ, insulin, GH
contest prep: no test... maybe a little prop here and there, about 300 mg... lots of tren hex, eq, primo, winny, masteron, gh, slin, clen, T3, T4, and ephedrine... they never heard of DNP.

very high volume... hours on end of training. not many people do cardio because of the high volume. light/moderate weights. someone who can bench 315 lbs (that's a lot when you ask ME guys) would go for 225 lbs max when prepping for a contest. 20-30 sets per muscle group 2-3 times per week. focusing mostly on isolation movements. a common practice is to go around all the machines in the gym for a bodypart. mind muscle connection is the most important thing to them. if you have a max barbell curl of 135 lbs, you'd do your sets for that exercise like this
30 lbs x 20
40 lbs x 15
50 lbs x 15
60 lbs x 12
70 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 8
100 lbs x 6
110 lbs x 6
120 lbs x 6
135 lbs x 4

the light sets are really slow, heavy are faster. then you move on to your second exercise

I remember i never seeked help from anyone in the gym cuz i was shy. i used to read read read on the net and forums and shit and got my knowledge from there. when i talked to people i used to think to myself "man, these dudes are stupid... heheh..." now i believe i'm the retard ... all this overtraining crap... i've never seen it here... i've only seen it with naturals, people who use fake gear, and people who have REALLY bad genetics for building muscle.

wow... world of difference between here and there... offseason, eat whatever the fuck you want and whenever you're hungry. people really don't care about getting bigger in the offseason, but they just get fat and want to relax. because contest prep is usually 20+ weeks with the first half being "grow as much as lean mass as you can", then the second part is "get shredded as quickly as possible."
protein is around 1 gram per lb of bodyweight (they don't measure it, but they just know that they have to eat chicken, beef, tuna, whey, aminos... etc)... carbs are mostly potatoes and rice. they never eat whole eggs. VERY LOW FAT!!! i'm talking zero here (or as close as they can)... no one ever eats fat when they prepare for a contest.

Big A was right when he said that if you need more than 9 weeks to prep for a contest, you're probably above 20% fat. people here get from fat, out of shape, to shredded in 8 weeks.
americans really try hard to be above 220 lbs... we are the exact opposite... we try to lose 3-5 lbs per week and really don't give a shit if it's muscle or fat, because in 8 weeks you'd be shredded regardless.
the lighter the weight class, the more chances you have to win. and since international contests actually have weight classes (unlike Mr.olympia), you can actually choose your battles. like shahat mabrouk, one day he's 80 kg, then next he's 100+


More on dieting

I don't see any reason for eating 3500 cals per day, taking T3 clen ephedrine and DNP, doing 2 hours of cardio and losing 1 lb a week... then showing up on stage looking like you're pregnant from all the food because you "didn't want to lose muscle"
when you could've skipped the cardio, ate 1500 cals a day from the start, upped your fat burners and androgens whenever you stalled, lost 3 lbs per week without any muscle loss, and show up on stage looking like you surgically removed your intestines.

do something for me, please... tomorrow, don't eat breakfast... let your stomach shrink a bit... drink lots of coffee. and if you're starving eat a chocolate bar. eat a sandwich 1 or 2 hours before your workout. a small hamburger maybe... then go workout. don't analyze this shit, just try it once... one day won't hamper your results... after you go workout, don't tell me that wasn't the best workout you've had in months.

one time i had 8 weeks to get ready for a contest... from all the mumbo jumbo i heard from the boards, 8 weeks is "barely" enough to get the ball rolling... i started off by eating 250 grams of protein and 70 or so grams of fat. that's around 1600 cals. i did cardio daily (jogged for 45 minutes, which is why i looked flat the whole time), i was dropping 1 lb a week until 4 weeks out, then i started my tren, t3, clen, and ephedrine and started dropping 2-3 lbs per week. I wasn't "shredded" or anything for that contest i was just lean. i could've been shredded if i started my fat burners and tren earlier, cut the cardio out and went high volume...
and guess what? with all that jogging and low cals with the fat burners... 1 week after the contest, my arms were bigger than they've ever been... yeah, i guess i lost all that muscle during prep and gained it back AND some 1 week later .... i basically gained muscle during that prep was too flat and depleted to see it. I always attributed those results to the cardio i did and cutting carbs... but looking back now... i know what really happened.

oh... and btw... i'm a skinny guy naturally... i just lost 28 lbs in the past 4.5 months cuz i quit training and ate junk all day. so, i don't have a "slow metabolism"

I just got back to training 3 weeks ago... hitting every muscle twice per week with moderate volume (12 sets or so per muscle group)... my food? 2-3 meals per day and just having set menus and adding or subtracting whatever i want... 85-100 grams of protein per meal, around 15-20 grams of fat, and if i'm hungry, i'll eat carbs. oh, i won't eat unless i'm starving. most days i eat two meals. so that's around 200 grams of protein, 40 grams of fat, and around 100 grams of carbs or less....so that's less than 1600 cals.
now, i say this because i want to ask you this question....
how in fucks name am i eating 1600 cals for 3 weeks, while training moderate volume, hitting all muscles twice a week (working out for a minimum of 90 minutes a day) AND i went from 84.5 kg to 92.5 kg (yesterday) in 3 weeks?
for the metrically impaired... that's a gain of 17.5 lbs.

a lot of people will say muscle memory... well, you gain mass on a deficit? muscle memory doesn't apply here? yeah, ok.

really... this 20 cals per lb crap is what makes bodybuilders look like shit. what do you think the old timers mean when they say "you have to suffer during contest prep"? you think they're talking about training? lol! that's the easiest part... it's starving yourself to death and having people look like big drumsticks is what kills ya!


Ill have more later.... good stuff here
One thing I want everyone to understand...Is I dont thing these guys are better, but they do something different then we do over here...over in Europe they go for supreme conditioning over size, and sometimes even shape...I just thought there would be some good info we all could learn from...Although I believe there are a few guys that could jump over to our natioanls and get into the top 5 (more middle or lightheavys, than heavy's or supers)
Holy Hell the last pic you posted , the guy in blue doing side tri, WOW! Talk about conditioned! ABSOLUTLY BEAUTIFUL BODY!
Fuck, lol, i keep looking at those pics, and the first guys pic u posted man he is freaky conditioned to, little joints and fully muscle bellys, but the last pic , that guy is sick!
Fuck, lol, i keep looking at those pics, and the first guys pic u posted man he is freaky conditioned to, little joints and fully muscle bellys, but the last pic , that guy is sick!

Yeah thoses guys go for supreme conditioning..its all about suffering, who can diet there ass off the most...they dont use alot of test, or as much as we do over here...they like to use more tren, winny, halo, ect...stuff like that..also, they dont like to use gh and insulin in the offseason..so you have has bloat or huge stomach...(atleast thats what I read or hear) :eek:
Yeah thoses guys go for supreme conditioning..its all about suffering, who can diet there ass off the most...they dont use alot of test, or as much as we do over here...they like to use more tren, winny, halo, ect...stuff like that..also, they dont like to use gh and insulin in the offseason..so you have has bloat or huge stomach...(atleast thats what I read or hear) :eek:

So no gh/slin in the offseason but thy use it precontest? If one was to really drop cals but add insulin in pre or pwo....that makes a lotta sense.....most guys make the mistake of dosing there carb intake to their insulin dose...not the other way around

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Holy Hell the last pic you posted , the guy in blue doing side tri, WOW! Talk about conditioned! ABSOLUTLY BEAUTIFUL BODY!

I was going to give you shit about your comment then I clicked on the pic. Holy Shit. The size of his Quads and he could hold pencils in between his
abbs. The second pic of the others guys back, I dont think I have ever saw a back like that. Wow. Interesting and good read.
Those guys are shredded as hell. I wish I could clean my diet up and do some cardio. I don't do any cardio right now and eat what the hell I want and you can still see my top 4 abs at 210lbs and im 6ft. If I could clean my diet up and start cardio I know I would look and feel better. Nothing like these guys of course but its def a motivational booster.
Damn, I would love to look like that. Simply amazing conditioning. It would be so much easier though if AAS were not controlled so strictly here.