Your opinion on PCt


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I know there are threads out there with this, but there are some new guys around so I am looking for your opinions. I took my last shot of deca 3 weeks ago and have one more injection of test e to take tomorrow and Im done. I have clomid, nolva and Igf as well as 5000ius of hcg. How would you run it and when. I am interested in your reasoning for your pct so any explanation you give will be appreciated as well. Im up 25 pounds by the way.
i know ur lookiong fo rnew guys opinions, but i have to say ..start hcg now
I'd agree. Nolva and clomid at 40mg/day. Sounds like awesome results, be sure to post progress pics.
Here is what i do,

Week 1: week after last test e shoot 2500iu,then another shot 5 day later at 2500ui
Week 2: Clomid 100mg until my bottle of 50caps are done
Week 5: Nolva 40mg ed
Week 7-week 8: Nolva 20mg ed,
Week 9 done all PCT
Week 10 back on the gear want to get big and strong haha.
Thanks guys. I was actually thinging of taking the hcg this week. I will post some pics too. Im a little water logged but I have to say I think I did well. My diet has been a little less than prime the last week due to holiday eating but I think you will see very noticeable changes.