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    Strong anti e-'s/p's sometimes have a rebound effect when stopping so if you are prone to gyno it's probably safest to taper down.
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    10 sets of 10 - Deadlifts

    10x10 of dead lifts makes my back ache just thinking about it. 4-5 sets of dead lift and I'm toast. I can barely do any other exercise afterwords.
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    Getting minor surgery and im on cycle. Should I stop?

    I nearly went down for the count after surgery. They over-dosed me on meds and I guess they had a hard time getting me breathing again. I had no clue anything went wrong.
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    Gym rules- defined by you 1 at a time.

    I normally do a break dancing routine to warm up. Although I'm not sure why I keep getting banned from every gym in my area.
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    Super DMZ??

    yeah, I noticed the vascularity and muscle hardness too. I still feel like I'm holding a little bit of water especially in my face, but muscle definitely feel fuller. Did back and bi's today. Definitely stronger in all my lifts, but lower back was crazy pumped after dead lifts. I could barely do...
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    Super DMZ??

    man, I gotta say I've had the worst heart burn today...not sure if that's a common side effect, but its pretty bad. Anyone else?
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    Super DMZ??

    Until I run out. lol. I suspect about 6 weeks total.
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    Super DMZ??

    I started running it about 1.5 weeks ago taking 1-2 caps per day...So far I have probably put on 1-2lbs (probably water weight) and strength has increased at least 10lbs on most lifts. No fat loss. I've been busy lately with work/errands and have been half assed with consistency in the...
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    Awesome 93 Year Old Body Builder

    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="512" height="400" id="movie_name" align="middle"> <param name="movie" value=""/> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="wmode" value="direct" /> <param...
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    Awesome 93 Year Old Body Builder

    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="512" height="400" id="movie_name" align="middle"> <param name="movie" value=""/> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="wmode" value="direct" /> <param...
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    My new training routine...input needed

    In less than a year and without AAS (except I just added super dmz a week ago - not sure if that counts as typical AAS) I'm at about 80% of my best lifts from when I used AAS. I suspect I should reach my all time best lifts within the next 6 months to year. Just take it slow and you'll reach...
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    Gym rules- defined by you 1 at a time.

    1. Don't stand around waiting for the opportunity to give someone lifting advice. There is a guy at my gym that I swear just waits around to give people advice. I'm pretty sure he wants to give me advice, but I am not very approachable. lol. I see him give at least 5-7 people "advice" every...
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    Injury training, what are your thoughts

    I strained something in my back a couple of weeks ago and just been working around it for the most part. I was doing back and bi's and of course it popped while working bi's. lol. I actually took a couple days off in between workouts, but I've been trying not to push it too hard. I've been...
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    Twice a week training

    I normally train 3-4 days per week. I've been making vast improvements and will probably continue on this path for a while.
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    Body Fat measurement...

    I just threw out all hope of getting under 10% bodyfat. Thanks nuk. lol.
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    Super DMZ??

    I'll post my results as well...I'm also only taking protein, creatine, and the ostarine. I've already made good gains with just these few things - +30lbs on my bench press working sets in the last month so I'm excited to see what the addition of the super dmz will do. Hopefully the strength and...
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    Super DMZ??

    sweet. I'm looking forward to seeing how well it works.
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    Super DMZ??

    Yeah hopefully I get it this week sometime. I'll start a log or something. lol. I'm not sure if its different or not, but the one I got was super dmz 2.0...hopefully its not crap. Not sure if I mentioned previously, but I also picked up some ostarine a few weeks back. I think that is working...
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    Super DMZ??

    Gonna check it out. I picked up a bottle.
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    Wife is pregnant with Twins!

    Congrats brother! Awesome news. Best wishes to you and your family.