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  1. Shaptown

    King Krypto

    i know that was totally messed up on my behalf. I am actually the "loser" for posting something like that. It is indeed pretty difficult to see all these one-time posters knocking stuff that they clearly don't have the evidence to do. Again, my response WAS unwarranted, but I just wish that...
  2. Shaptown

    King Krypto

    bad news for you buddy: your son is a loser. if someone can let a drug, especially one as benign as a synthetic cannabinoid ruin their lives, well that is downright pathetic. i feel sorry for your son having to have you as a father too. perhaps if you were more open to talking with him about...
  3. Shaptown

    Apple Cider Vinegar clinically proven to reduce body fat

    I would totally take this stuff if it came in capsules. I realize that you can encapsulate it yourself, but I just dont think it is worth the effort. As previous posters have said, I simply cannot down the stuff. I was able to manage taking 2tbsp in the morning for all of about a week before...
  4. Shaptown

    Deads while standing on a board...

    I am 6' 2" almost 3", and I have done it with a board before and it was just TOO much for me. It is already incredibly difficult for us taller guys to get all the way down and back up, let alone adding the extra length from a board. I suppose it could definitely help with muscle shaping if you...
  5. Shaptown

    20-year old kid from AUSTRALIA

    he is so fucking cut. He is also just about as dry as it gets. This is probably nowhere near the time of any contest on top of it.....absolutely incredible.
  6. Shaptown

    Is PCT really a good idea?

    he is probably on TRT and doesn't come off so he is not a good example of proper cycling by someone NOT on TRT... Again just my thoughts.
  7. Shaptown

    Is PCT really a good idea?

    ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LUDICROUS! Tapering up and down dosages is an OLD outdated, far inferior method for many reasons. PCT IS INDEED completely necessary. Many believe it just hastens recovery, and while that may be true, there may be a cycle you run that you would not have otherwise fully...
  8. Shaptown

    Freaky yes, but....

    Yup big hit the nail on the head for the most part: 1. his waist is a bit too thick, he needs to widen those shoulders. 2. his head just looks wierd. I covered his head with my hand and he looked much better; sounds funny but try it yourself. He almost looks like he has a pinhead that makes his...
  9. Shaptown

    Nuk, how are you progressing? calf training? Aiming for heavyweight or superheavy

    Your rear profile looks absolutely fantastic Nuk except for those calves :embarrass
  10. Shaptown

    Whats your best Deadlift you have pulled?

    485 for 7 I believe. Honestly Nuk that is QUITE impressive. I find, and I'm quite sure everyone else will agree with me on this, that once you hit 430-450 it becomes very very difficult to keep adding weight. If you are able to add body weight then yes it helps, but still it is so difficult to...
  11. Shaptown

    Test/Mast/Tren Blend 500mgs/ML

    I would personally use a 50:50 mixture of GSO:EO for this preparation. I personally would stay far away from Guiacol That "shouldn't" crash, but if you wanted to be absolutely positive, I would use Test Decanoate.
  12. Shaptown

    making tren e

    basically, yes
  13. Shaptown

    Fish Oils

    Fish oil is VERY important to take for good heart health and to keep your lipid profile under control. I take about 10g daily. I prefer ON brand, as the enteric coating makes them tasteless, whereas I have had other brands that literally reeked of fishiness...
  14. Shaptown

    Tight feeling when injecting

    Nope. Describe the sensation a little bit more. It almost sounds like you have too much scar tissue built up that you are pushing through causing excessive pressure once the oil is released. You only experience this discomfort once the oil is administered, correct?
  15. Shaptown

    Almost 6 months out...advice needed

    Bro I would not worry about getting in this show so much as getting yourself back to your own 100% as was said. You know I am the same man, just getting back in after a shoulder injury. I think you know your body well enough to know your limits (hopefully), and know whether it is too early or...
  16. Shaptown

    My next posing routine...

    sad thing is that goofy ass mother fucker probably gets pussy when he really is a flamer deep deep inside the closet...
  17. Shaptown

    little Hercules

    god thats so sad ...the dad should have known to give him massive amounts of GH instead!!! (kidding, kidding :uhoh: )
  18. Shaptown

    My guy Pictures 3 days out the Nationals

    holy shit he is gonna fucking EXPLODE the second he walks on stage!! if this guy doesn't take first I will honestly be surprised to see what does...
  19. Shaptown

    Womens Bodybuilding like or dislike

    I agree but maybe in not such a harsh manner bro lol...
  20. Shaptown

    Masteron vs. Primobolan

    I have run mast at dosages of 800mg and the effects were pretty crazy actually. you will put on way more mass than you would ever think, and it is all quality maintainable gains as well. It also promotes the leaning hardening effect if you are in single digit body fat. however, that being said...