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  1. Shaptown

    customs letter weird

    and yeah NAIR your stuff got sezied. I have never seen something get through when it has been in customs longer than 2-3 days.....
  2. Shaptown

    customs letter weird

    you are tripping bro, relax. it commonly takes 3+ weeks to receive a seizure letter, even after it has entered customs. you have nothing to worry about. All the other advice in this thread is solid.
  3. Shaptown

    Why not just more Test?

    I get way worse sides if I use high doses of test as opposed to say my new current favorite bulker, which consists of: 1g Test E 500mg Tren E 400mg Deca 50mg Anadrol 50mg Dbol I just don't see test ever really being able to provide these gains, not to mention if I exceed 1500mg of Test a week...
  4. Shaptown

    One of the hottest bikini competitors I've seen...

    Im with Presser, as I prefer brunettes. HOWEVER, that being said, that third still that they show about a minute into the video, JUST WOW!!! Her ass is AMAZING!!!!!!! :chicken: I would eat that thing every day, it looks absolutely delicious
  5. Shaptown


    My girl is the same way. The difference is, I make sure we eat at places where I can get stuff like an 8 oz grilled chicken breast with a side consisting of 1 cup of brown rice. Granted it is way more expensive than preparing the same meal at home, but it really makes it so that eating out is...
  6. Shaptown

    My HGH stem test results... not good

    i can guarantee you that your usage of exogenous rHGH at a dosage of a mere 4IUs daily is not what shut down your endogenous production completely. It is simply your genetics, which I know is sad. However, there is so much you can do to get your production of HGH and all downstream metabolites...
  7. Shaptown

    arginine and caffeine caps

    I agree with this post. Granted, I ended up not really liking the stuff, because it was SUCH a strong stimulant that it got me shaking, light-headed, to the point where my lifts were not there best simply because I was shaking so violently I could not stabilize enough to get my normal reps in.
  8. Shaptown

    Halotren/Primabol STACK

    exactly! they aren't. even if some of these steroids provide gains similar to the real deal, this stuff has horrible side-effect profiles, and that is proven.
  9. Shaptown

    Halotren/Primabol STACK

    actually i have tried PH, and the results were garbage. Anadrol has helped me gain more than this stuff ever will. I'm sorry you don't see Anadrol for the incredible AAS that it is. It is one of the best bulking stack orals in existence IMO. Everyone is different as has been said, and I (as...
  10. Shaptown

    GHRP-2,6 and CJC-1295 with DAC

    not only are my fingers numb, but my kneecaps are giving me the WEIRDEST sensation imaginable. I used to get lots of pain in them in the past, but now the pain is gone....
  11. Shaptown

    Another great video!

    SAME!! Great video Nuk, you got good taste bro
  12. Shaptown


    i really don't think it matters too much so long as you run it for the duration of the cycle. I tend to not taper, and I actually will run HCG one week longer than my last Test E shot, simply based on the half lives. This way, the Test E and HCG are essentially out of the body at the same time.
  13. Shaptown

    GHRP-2,6 and CJC-1295 with DAC

    After talking it out with the Dude and our buddy Ron for a while I came to the consensus that running this protocol would be AMAZING: MORNING: -100mcg CJC-1295 -100mcg GHRP-2 -2.5IU rHGH AFTERNOON -100mcg CJC-1295 -100mcg GHRP-2 20 MINUTES PRE-WO: -100mcg IGF-1 LR3 (bilaterally) POST WO...
  14. Shaptown

    MC IGF1 just rcvd... have some questions

    glad to hear you weren't jumping into anything without being completely informed about it beforehand. Most people aren't like that any more nowadays.
  15. Shaptown

    MC IGF1 just rcvd... have some questions

    It is incredibly easy to measure out, what seems to be the problem here? Can you not count out 3 ticks on a 100-unit slin pin? Also, it was pointed out before but you seem to not be getting the point. MC IGF comes reconstituted already with Acetic Acid. Do NOT add any bacteriostatic water to it...
  16. Shaptown


    i do mine in the fat on my obliques. yes, you do need to utilize a 100-unit insulin pin to administer it, as opposed to a seperate syringe and needle for AAS. The point is to use it DURING the cycle and NOT use it during PCT. It will keep your leydig cells pumping out endogenous testosterone and...
  17. Shaptown

    Went in for surgery

    holy cow that sounds scary bro......I commend you for making it through it!!! You are truly a trooper. The pain will be gone and you will be all healed up and back in the gym getting ripped soon enough!!! Patience my friend.
  18. Shaptown

    Genxxl Growth Hormone

    Touche salesman
  19. Shaptown

    What do you see when you look in the mirror?

    Totally agree with both of you 100%. I get complimented all day, but can't help but see every little flaw I have. I do have in mind what I would like my body to look like EXACTLY at some point in time; not sure if that is weird or not?
  20. Shaptown

    Genxxl Growth Hormone

    yeah i agree with you basically. Still I disagree about getting rHGH from genxxlgear. I know of many many other suppliers that chage less than half what they charge for a generic product. I have spoken with reps from both Naps and Gen about their overpriced HGH, and they said they need to have a...