Halotren/Primabol STACK


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I just wanted to let you guys know. I've been stacking Powerlab Halotren with Powerlab Primabol and absolutely LOVE IT!

I'm on week 5 of an 8 week cycle and so far I am up 12lbs. My main goal on this stack wasn't so much to gain weight (although I'm not complaining!!) but get stronger :bench: (Presser/ nuknuk style) and I can honestly say I have def gained a lot of strength as well. I haven't noticed much water retention either which is why I chose to run this stack rather than some of the other options.

Anyway, I'll post pics when I'm done but I am very pleased with my results so far. I also take a good Liver product and have upped my protein to around 300g protein. I'm 6'3" 240. I have been using bpi's 1MR and honestly it knocks the $&*^ outta Jack3d! For me anyway and I love(d) Jack3d. I also use 5g Leucine with each shake and before each meal I have to increase protein synthesis and get the most out of my protein.

Also as far as Diet goes, I've been following John Kiefer's Carb Back-loading and it is honestly perfect for me. It fits my schedule, my cravings, etc...

For my workout I'm still following 5/3/1 and don't know that I'll ever change!
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Does that Halotren convert to Tren in the body the way that the old nor andro converted to nandrolone?? Are there any products out that convert to nandrolone?
edited so that I don't hurt anyones feelings. the truth can hurt feelings though i suppose...
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bro this guy has clearly no clue what he is doing. These are GARBAGE pro-hormones that don't belong in anyones body. There is a reason pros stick to the tested and tried true AAS. Not only do they provide BETTER results, there side effect profile is FAR better.

Say what you want man, I could care less. I've run AAS (Prop, Tren Ace and Winny for 10 weeks) before and had decent gains (10lbs) but I've had a lot better gains with the Powerlab products I'm on now. I haven't noticed any negative side effects but I def did on AAS(ornery, irritable, acne). That's all the proof I need.
Im sure that the products work to some degree....

But as far as this whole converting to process....I would like to see some exact scientific data regarding just how it is this company claims to take something completely different from the actual Trenbolone ester....and convert it after passing through the liver...

Until then I'd say I dont believe that they are even claiming this, it seems very proposterous
bro this guy has clearly no clue what he is doing. These are GARBAGE pro-hormones that don't belong in anyones body. There is a reason pros stick to the tested and tried true AAS. Not only do they provide BETTER results, there side effect profile is FAR better.

are you saying "these" are garbage prohormones? or prohormones in general are garbage?

I seen guys get results off this still legal prohormones. The sides kill me when I take them, but even then I gain a little. They definitely work, especially if you have no reference to using on the "dark side".
bro this guy has clearly no clue what he is doing. These are GARBAGE pro-hormones that don't belong in anyones body. There is a reason pros stick to the tested and tried true AAS. Not only do they provide BETTER results, there side effect profile is FAR better.

I would have to disagree that they are garbage. They clearly do something good because this guy goes to my gym, and I see him on occasion. Him having gone from his starting weight of 220 before his AAS cycle to 230, then to 240 using these substances is a big difference, and he's definitely still growing using them. I feel really tiny standing next to him.
I would have to disagree that they are garbage. They clearly do something good because this guy goes to my gym, and I see him on occasion. Him having gone from his starting weight of 220 before his AAS cycle to 230, then to 240 using these substances is a big difference, and he's definitely still growing using them. I feel really tiny standing next to him.

I appreciate that Saudades!! But your guns are outta control man!!! I'm glad we have a lot of cops that lift there to keep an eye on you!!
The only time someone says these prods don't work is when they have never tried them. I have taken PH/DS for years and let me tell you they work. I have taken anadrol before, and it is straight up pussy shit compared to some of the PH/DS I have run. Don't knock it if you ain't tried it. One cycle of epi/havoc and your mind will perm be changed. That is a milder PH/DS also. The stronger ones (superdrol,phera,M1T,xtren) will blow your fckn mind.....:bber:
The only time someone says these prods don't work is when they have never tried them. I have taken PH/DS for years and let me tell you they work. I have taken anadrol before, and it is straight up pussy shit compared to some of the PH/DS I have run. Don't knock it if you ain't tried it. One cycle of epi/havoc and your mind will perm be changed. That is a milder PH/DS also. The stronger ones (superdrol,phera,M1T,xtren) will blow your fckn mind.....:bber:
ive used epistane, and m-drol together, and they didnt do shit for me. Now this Iranian HG anadrol i have......... at 50 mgs i had to back off it. Pumps, weight and strength, fast and steady
ive never taken the time to study DS/PH's but dont they basically just convert to a certain steroid in your body?
if thats the case.. how can a ph be more effective than a real deal steroid, if your getting essentially the same thing but just less of it..?
ive used epistane, and m-drol together, and they didnt do shit for me. Now this Iranian HG anadrol i have......... at 50 mgs i had to back off it. Pumps, weight and strength, fast and steady

All depends when you ran these compounds and what company you got them from. M-drol is useualy good but CEL had a few bad batchs go out (Raws were junk) but hey fixed that prob after a few months. Now the epi I can understand. I don't care for epi, but havoc is the fckn shit. They are pretty much the same, But havoc is proven to be 10 times stronger than regular epi. I'm sure I took the same anadrol you took and it didn't do shit for me. Just proves my point that sometimes the raws they use to make these compounds are junk when they get them. Give pheraplex a try. You will shit down your leg from the results.....
ive used epistane, and m-drol together, and they didnt do shit for me. Now this Iranian HG anadrol i have......... at 50 mgs i had to back off it. Pumps, weight and strength, fast and steady

hey bro,

PM me about these Iranian HG anadrol ... LOL !!! :chinese:
I just wanted to let you guys know. I've been stacking Powerlab Halotren with Powerlab Primabol and absolutely LOVE IT!

I'm on week 5 of an 8 week cycle and so far I am up 12lbs. My main goal on this stack wasn't so much to gain weight (although I'm not complaining!!) but get stronger :bench: (Presser/ nuknuk style) and I can honestly say I have def gained a lot of strength as well. I haven't noticed much water retention either which is why I chose to run this stack rather than some of the other options.

Anyway, I'll post pics when I'm done but I am very pleased with my results so far. I also take a good Liver product and have upped my protein to around 300g protein. I'm 6'3" 240. I have been using bpi's 1MR and honestly it knocks the $&*^ outta Jack3d! For me anyway and I love(d) Jack3d. I also use 5g Leucine with each shake and before each meal I have to increase protein synthesis and get the most out of my protein.

Also as far as Diet goes, I've been following John Kiefer's Carb Back-loading and it is honestly perfect for me. It fits my schedule, my cravings, etc...

For my workout I'm still following 5/3/1 and don't know that I'll ever change!

I love the 1MR by BPI its strong stuff...it made my wife throw up half way threw a workout...LOL!!! :D
All depends when you ran these compounds and what company you got them from. M-drol is useualy good but CEL had a few bad batchs go out (Raws were junk) but hey fixed that prob after a few months. Now the epi I can understand. I don't care for epi, but havoc is the fckn shit. They are pretty much the same, But havoc is proven to be 10 times stronger than regular epi. I'm sure I took the same anadrol you took and it didn't do shit for me. Just proves my point that sometimes the raws they use to make these compounds are junk when they get them. Give pheraplex a try. You will shit down your leg from the results.....
yeah my epi sucked, but i heard good things about havoc's epi. The m-drol was CEL too, but my boy said the P-plex was the shit, and to try it, but i never got around to doing so
bro this guy has clearly no clue what he is doing. These are GARBAGE pro-hormones that don't belong in anyones body. There is a reason pros stick to the tested and tried true AAS. Not only do they provide BETTER results, there side effect profile is FAR better.

Come on brutha I thought we talked about this?
The only time someone says these prods don't work is when they have never tried them. I have taken PH/DS for years and let me tell you they work. I have taken anadrol before, and it is straight up pussy shit compared to some of the PH/DS I have run. Don't knock it if you ain't tried it. One cycle of epi/havoc and your mind will perm be changed. That is a milder PH/DS also. The stronger ones (superdrol,phera,M1T,xtren) will blow your fckn mind.....:bber:

actually i have tried PH, and the results were garbage. Anadrol has helped me gain more than this stuff ever will. I'm sorry you don't see Anadrol for the incredible AAS that it is. It is one of the best bulking stack orals in existence IMO.

Everyone is different as has been said, and I (as well as many buddies who lift at my gym) find this stuff to be total garbage. Best of luck to people that get results off this stuff. However, most can get medically acceptable anabolic steroids that are more beneficial for achieving ones goals, as well as having a MUCH more limited side effect profile.
ive never taken the time to study DS/PH's but dont they basically just convert to a certain steroid in your body?
if thats the case.. how can a ph be more effective than a real deal steroid, if your getting essentially the same thing but just less of it..?

exactly! they aren't. even if some of these steroids provide gains similar to the real deal, this stuff has horrible side-effect profiles, and that is proven.
Though I've never used PHs and never had a desire to, I can see why or when one would want to. While deployed, hiding vials of test and disposing needles wasn't practical in the sandbox. Thinking back, I wish I would have stocked up on PHs while I was stuck out there. Tell you what, next time I head out I'm def trying this stuff out. That and oral test will be fan-freakin-tastic!