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  1. Big A

    Tihomir Rangelov :18 years old

    It doesn't look like SEO to me. He has VERY long muscle bellies, so when he flexes they simply 'pop'. Nothing more.
  2. Big A

    Fake Synthetek Products

    These ones are from Latvia. A few years ago there were Syntherol fakes sold by the makers of Esikclean in the US. Before that, there were fakes coming out of Holland.
  3. Big A

    Liver protectants?

    Synthergine is just as effective orally as it is injected.
  4. Big A

    Couple Starter Photos of "Presser"

    You are looking fucking great!
  5. Big A

    Women and site oil

    I know :D
  6. Big A Newest Site Sponsor!

    All shipping costs are listed in the shopping cart. Shipping is more than the product (blame Aust post). But the products are so cheap to begin with, even with the shipping, cheap as - 1KG of pharma quality instantised creatine, delivered to your door within 1 week for $35. That's 200 days...
  7. Big A Newest Site Sponsor!

    The link is listed on the shopping cart - for live exchange rates. All products are sold in 1kg packs - 2.2lbs.
  8. Big A

    Women and site oil

    Plenty of women use it. Dosage is dependant on your size. if you are huge (for a woman), then the standard dose applies. If you are smaller (fitness type), then halve all the dosages. The rest of the protocol stays the same. It doesnt' matter how lean you are, as long as you are lean enough to...
  9. Big A

    How many here have used Syntheselen?

    Just do the Synthetine SQ - no hassle no pain. So that way, you only have the Syntheselen IM. Both water based so they dissipate from the injection site virtually straight away.
  10. Big A

    ((((((((((SYNTHETEK PRODUCTS))))))))))

    Read the DatBTrue article on it.
  11. Big A


    All those were implants, not SEOs.
  12. Big A

    1992 Dorian Yates Guest posing !!! Great Vid

    Actually, the way he does it is heel straight back (as per IFBB rules), with the knee of the bent leg further ahead than the knee of the straight leg, to emphasise the hamstring. And in order to balance that, the 'straight' leg is bent too, which also enhances its hamstring as well. The ones...
  13. Big A

    Recovery formula from Big A

    Have you got a link? There's language in there that I don't use.
  14. Big A

    Synthetek xmas special!!!

    Bumping it.
  15. Big A

    Recovery formula from Big A

    I did not write this. Where did you find it?
  16. Big A

    1992 Dorian Yates Guest posing !!! Great Vid

    '93 is when he was most conditioned and '96 when he looked his best.
  17. Big A

    The science behind Synthelamin - B12 - the 'incredible' molecule!

    Check this article written by DatBTrue about Synthelamin: It fully scientifically explains why Synthelamin is an amazing compound with profound benefits to bodybuilders and health fanatics.
  18. Big A

    The science behind SynthePURE - why WPI is a bodybuilding must

    Thanks to Dat, here's the most comprehensive article on why CFM Whey Protein Isolate, such as SynthePURE, is an absolute must for a bodybuilder:
  19. Big A

    The science behind Synthergine - the most effective liver aid in the world

    Check this article written by DatBTrue about Synthergine: It fully scientifically explains why Synthergine is the most effective liver aid available.
  20. Big A

    Why Syntheselen is such a great bodybuilding aid - the science behind it

    Another great article from DatBTrue: It explains the science behind why Syntheselen works so well at increasing metabolism, muscle growth and fat loss.