6 Weeks Out - Teen Nationals

Superman03 said:
I know that I looked like Casper on stage. I didn't take this contest too seriously. I just wanted to make sure that everything was on track for Teen Nationals this week. I'm using plenty of tan products right now. Also, i think that I could have had a much better show at winning the teen division at the Missouri if I had a tanner on. But oh well.

sweetie....you look absolutely AMAZING!!!! i need to give you a pointer though (from an old lady that has competed many a times;) )

dump the red posing trunks, they are too bright and are taking away from your physique. stick with neutral colors (blacks, browns, blues) under those lights on stage, that red is gonna take away from that beautiful physique of yours;)
Prisoner#22 said:
Color is extremely important. This lights are so bright that if you are not dark enough they will completely wash out all your definition, making you look smoothe. I can be really dissapointing to loose to someone who backstage is smooth, but under the lights looks harder and more defined than you, on acount that his color was on and yours was off. Many judges won't even give a second look to a guy who isn't sufficiently dark enough.

So true... when you think you are dark enough, you really aren't every venue is different with the lighting so you have to be prepared. And yes, judges will sometimes grade you down because of color or lack thereof....