all oral cycle suggestions


MuscleChemistry member
Im going to give my body a break from all the needles and let some of my site injections heal up from the scare tissue, and do an all oral cycle. Trying not to do D-bol and anavar, because that will be taken in the cycle following this, along with Test, Deca, Tren. I was thinking of doing the the following for my oral cycle and get back on GH and IGF-1.


Just wanted to see what some of your all orals cycles suggestions are?
well winny is more toxic then anadrol and therefore i would never rtun those togehter, did u plan to run them side by side or one after the other? i would personaly be sure to keep on igf and hgh while on an oral cycle only, i know ur trying to stear clear of needles but for the scar tissdue if u run the hgh/igf subq that shouldnt be to bad, i would run the winny primo and clen and drop the drol altoegrtther ande run hgh and or igf
to be honest i not worried about the toxic part, thats just the way i am, hardheaded i guess. but i would only do anadrol the first 2 -3 weeks anyhow and then drop it. And yeah would do sub-q for hgh/IGF.
lol, i hear ya on the hard headed part brutha,lol, but you might end up a BALD hard head if u combine drol and winny,lol, i woulkd love to watch a journal type thing here on ths oral only cycle, we get so many members asking about oral only cycles and nothing to point to as far as user experience, if u decide to do this oral cycle think about keepong a log brutha
lol, i think we're all hard headed, but i agree with presser. The only oral I miss was "eye pee" (spelled that way b/c used to be a source) old school guys will get it and that stuff rocked.
Presser said:
lol, i hear ya on the hard headed part brutha,lol, but you might end up a BALD hard head if u combine drol and winny.

hahaha presser.. im about to do a cycle also of sust and start it off with anadrol. which by the way.. is a lot more toxic than winstrol.
ur right, my bad, however winstrol is along the toxicity line with dianabol which most people have no clue and think winny safe, in terms of toxicty androl is the second strongest oral only second to cheque drops which i dont know anyone who uses no how
yeah i will keep a log when i start, trying to find some primo tabs right now so I dont have to order the powder for it. But may just order the powder anyhow if i cant find some at a good price in a day or so.
ok, decided to go with an 8 week cycle of all orals

Anadrol 150mg/day wk 1-4
Winstrol 100mg/day wk 1-8
Primobolan 100mg/day wk 1-8
Clen 120mg/day wk 1-2
wk 3-8 2 days on, 2 days off
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do you think 100 mg's of winny a day is really necessary? just seems high to me i keep it at 50 and do just fine on it. Im around 230.
Get_Swole said:
good luck man i wouldnt do it but to each his own. Keep us posted.

agreed; I can't for the life of me figure this one out.
if he can physically manage it, then fine. But I agree, more winny never gave me more results. It did dry my joints out so bad I thought they were gonna break off.
I'm interested to see how this turns out. Like Presser said, there isn't much experience here with all oral cycles. Good luck man, and keep us posted.
teedubgee said:
I'm interested to see how this turns out. Like Presser said, there isn't much experience here with all oral cycles. Good luck man, and keep us posted.

you guys want me to keep it a true all oral and not do hgh or igf with it? Dont make no differance to me. I will jsut run hgh, igf my next cycle. It will be a 3 month cycle anyhow and this one will only be 2 months. So that is probally what I will do.
I honestly think this would be a big mistake to run all those liver taxing drugs together and you'll be dissappinted in the end with the results.
BiggerStronger said:
I honestly think this would be a big mistake to run all those liver taxing drugs together and you'll be dissappinted in the end with the results.
at his size, I would think that he knows gains would be minimal. More of a maintenance cycle if anything.
what exactly is a "maintenance cycle?" and are these "cycles" effect in maintaining muscle mass while our natual test levels recover? How about those receptors--I'm sure they'd like a rest too?
im doing this cycle for a lean mass cycle and strength, also like I said before, to let some of my scar tissue heal in my injection sites. This will also let me finish out the football season before I do my mega mass cycle. Yes I expect wieght gain out of this, but not to crazy. I still have to be able to play my postion as line backer so i have to be able to have speed. Hopfully next year I will be able to move to D-line.