Buddies, can you help me?


New member
So that's my story :)

I have run two cycles:

The first was only oral, dbol + drol. (I know it's a bad cycle, but i've learned the lesson)
The second cycle was Test C + dbol + drol.

When I have finished my cycles, I knew the vials and orals that I have are underdosed. But now, I know where to buy LEGIT gear, i'm very well informed NOW.

That's my question:

For my third cycle I was thinking this:

Test E 750mg week
Deca 600 mg
Eq 300 mg

But the past cycles was "underdosed", i have gained in total 40lbs (20 lbs per cycle, but 10 lbs it's water from oxy I think) so you suggest to repeat a basic cycle, like this:

Test 500mg/deca 300 mg (maybe eq 200mg)?

Or for you it's ok continue on this way?
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If you gained 40lbs from under dosed gear imagine what "real" gear will do. lol. I think you should use as little as possible. There is no point in escalating your dosages.
yes, but I think that the BIIIIG of the work have done the oxymetholone, and plus the water weight..

You suggest me to use low dosage, until I no longer gain weight, and then I will up the dose?
just go with Test, Deca, Dbol. Simple and cheap, and anybody can grow off of it.

Agreed, I would personally run deca for 8 weeks then switch to EQ for 8 weeks IF you want to run a 16 week cycle
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Since you've only ran test once, I think you could get away with 600mg of test and 400mg of deca a week. I'd suggest at least 8 weeks, but would personally probably go no less than 12.
just keep it simple...

test (long acting) 400-500mg per week (split into 2 equal doses) to keep blood level's stable
deca 200-300mg (can split into 2 equal doses or one dose per week, up to you)
dbol 20-30mg per day (split into atleast 2 doses per day)

thats it...might add in a anti estrogen like arimadex or letrozole...small dose as possiable...1mg per week of arimadex will be plenty...or .5mg every 3rd or 4th day...on bulking cycle's I like to use the least amount of anti estrogen as possiable...

good luck
Thank you guys, so I will do a cycle for 12 weeks, like big n wv say :)

Can I add a dbol kick start?

I would run it the whole cycle just cycle it up and down...like this

wk 1-2 10mg (per day)
wk 3-4 15mg (per day)
wk 5-6 20mg (per day)
wk 7-9 25mg (per day)
wk 10 20mg (per day)
wk 11 15mg (per day)
wk 12 10mg (per day)