christmas in june

Yeah, it all sucks... Legalize It!!! You should be able to walk into any drugstore and buy a certain amount of AAS, along with your marijuana, cigarettes and booze. Decriminalization of all drug sales,possession and usage,no jail time period. During the late 1920s-30s during prohibition, Al Capone was making over $100 million a year, $60 million was solely from bootlegged liquor, thats a lot of damn money now!! Prohibition made the criminals Rich. This BS drug War today is making the Gov. and Criminals rich. The USA is number one for people in prison per capita, I wish we could claim we're number one in Math, Jobs, College Grads, employment, least homeless, or least in the number of children that go hungry every-night. Nope, old laws instated by old racist hypocrites.