cycle thoughts


New member
As the title says I wanted you guys input on adding TREN A at the end of a D BOL CYCLE PROBABLY ADD 2 WEEKS BEFORE D BOL STOPS. I will be running my TRT DOSE OF 200 MG OF TEST C ALONG WITH THEM BOTH . I have ran both many times just never together. Dbol is at 100mg a day and Tren a will be at 50 mg every day. I am doing this just to bulk a little before my pre contest cut. That cycle will be a whole different beast lol. My stats as of now are wt 215 down from 221 been cleaning diet up for contest prep ht 5 ' 11'' age 39 ...cycles I basically never come off due to being on trt I keep my doses fairly low kinda blast and cruise. oh BF is around 17 %.... sow isn't till july 8 so I am doing a nice slow cut
As the title says I wanted you guys input on adding TREN A at the end of a D BOL CYCLE PROBABLY ADD 2 WEEKS BEFORE D BOL STOPS. I will be running my TRT DOSE OF 200 MG OF TEST C ALONG WITH THEM BOTH . I have ran both many times just never together. Dbol is at 100mg a day and Tren a will be at 50 mg every day. I am doing this just to bulk a little before my pre contest cut. That cycle will be a whole different beast lol. My stats as of now are wt 215 down from 221 been cleaning diet up for contest prep ht 5 ' 11'' age 39 ...cycles I basically never come off due to being on trt I keep my doses fairly low kinda blast and cruise. oh BF is around 17 %.... sow isn't till july 8 so I am doing a nice slow cut

Hey bro,
Your bf % is kinda on the high side, so I wouldn't be running Dbol that high due to the aromaitization rate. Hopefully your running an ai aside these drugs. Also for me tren a is a recomp drug, so I never use it to bulk, more to become defined and harder faster, and preserves lean tissue in a calorie deficit. So if your still bulking consider tren enanthate. Personally I would completely come off the tren before running tren unless it's tren e. Tren is a helluva

If you knew better, you'd do better! Knowledge is power!
I'm not sure honestly but would like to hear how it goes for you! And 17% body fat ain't bad but your likely over estimating as I seen your last or most recent pics , but maybe I'm wrong lol
As the title says I wanted you guys input on adding TREN A at the end of a D BOL CYCLE PROBABLY ADD 2 WEEKS BEFORE D BOL STOPS. I will be running my TRT DOSE OF 200 MG OF TEST C ALONG WITH THEM BOTH . I have ran both many times just never together. Dbol is at 100mg a day and Tren a will be at 50 mg every day. I am doing this just to bulk a little before my pre contest cut. That cycle will be a whole different beast lol. My stats as of now are wt 215 down from 221 been cleaning diet up for contest prep ht 5 ' 11'' age 39 ...cycles I basically never come off due to being on trt I keep my doses fairly low kinda blast and cruise. oh BF is around 17 %.... sow isn't till july 8 so I am doing a nice slow cut
If u doing a bulk why not use deca and 50 mg of dbol?
I would save tren a for later. I too use it as a recomp at end of cycle when I do use it.
If I keep dbol low it does wonders.
I would bulk with test eq or test deca + dbol with either just not over 50!

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I'm not sure honestly but would like to hear how it goes for you! And 17% body fat ain't bad but your likely over estimating as I seen your last or most recent pics , but maybe I'm wrong lol

Yeah presser I like to keep it modest I'm probably closer to 12 than 17.. I see so many bs post I just keep it modest ... I'm not really bulking just wanted to run a short 4 week D BOL with my trt at 200 ... always trying new things .. I have some time before I starts my contest prep .. just wanted others input.. I will start tren on the front of my cut and in the end along with test p and mast e .. will finish with Anavar for last 4 weeks of contest prep
Yeah presser I like to keep it modest I'm probably closer to 12 than 17.. I see so many bs post I just keep it modest ... I'm not really bulking just wanted to run a short 4 week D BOL with my trt at 200 ... always trying new things .. I have some time before I starts my contest prep .. just wanted others input.. I will start tren on the front of my cut and in the end along with test p and mast e .. will finish with Anavar for last 4 weeks of contest prep
That makes more sense. Especially that u will be gaining then cutting with good preservers and hardeners mast prop avar.
And u also will be bulking with something like tren to get metabolism going and u will also be able to bulk with tren and gain muscle with minimal calories so if u think like me then u will be losing some bf during bulk

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That makes more sense. Especially that u will be gaining then cutting with good preservers and hardeners mast prop avar.
And u also will be bulking with something like tren to get metabolism going and u will also be able to bulk with tren and gain muscle with minimal calories so if u think like me then u will be losing some bf during bulk

i cut 34 lbs for my last show and everyone says I looked bigger than before I started cutting.. Tren definitely will let you gain muscle mass while in a calorie deficit.. It's my favorite by far... But it makes me evil!!! Lol anavar and tren are magical together I mop

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