First Cycle Need some other opinions


New member
Hay everyone I'm new to the forum and I wanted to do a test only cycle. I've been reading for a couple years and I've learned there's two different camps when it comes to first cycles. I like the idea of doing as little as possible to so you always have room to move up doses in later cycles. I'm just having trouble figuring out the best PCT course for a lower dose cycle. Any opinions would welcome!

Test Cyp 250mg a wk (1-10)
HCG 250iu 2x a wk (1-10)
Aromasin 25mg eod or e3d (3-10)

not sure about PCT was thinking

Aromasin 12.5mg eod or e3d (11-14)
Clomid 100mg ed (11-12)
50mg ed (13-14)

im not trying to get huge, but I enjoy training hard and always wanted to try AAS's to see what it's like

27 yrs old
5' 9 205lbs
~15% bf
11 years training with weights the last 8 of which I've mixed in martial arts as well
thx for reading guy hope to get some ideas
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sorry i just approved your post, not sure why is was moderated, in any case, now everyone can see it, and help out
and yeah cypionate is a solid choice for your first steroid cycle! and 250mg weekly is ample to so long as its legit! do you know what brand you will be getting or human grade vs ug?

Looks like u have it worked out pretty well, I would run it 12 for sure and then hit pct which should not be much of a problem after such a light cycle. I think the hcg alongside first cycle is overkill, but you can do it and youll have much easier pct for doing so

welcome to MC by the way
I would get blood work done around week 6 to see where your test and estrogen levels are. You can adjust your cycle from there if you like.

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Thanks guys for the advice I wasn't sure if I should use Clomid for pct because I've heard sides could be lame. Any alternate pct suggestions besides Clomid or Nolva I've heard or gradually reducing the test mg like a step down process any advice would be greatly appreciated

i havent pick a brand or source yet because I want to get everything at once so I'm still trying to formulate a shopping list so to speak
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no point in ramping down steroid dosage, and yes grab clomid if you can, but again your cycle is pretty light and with the addition of the hcg throughout, youll recover just fine
cycle setup looks ok.. its the way you have your pct set up and how much time youre giving between your last injection and pct thats the issue.. you should be waiting 2 weeks..

here, read this.. this will give you everything you need to know

Test Cyponate 250mg a week (1-12)
(125mg Monday-125mg Thursday)
HCG 500iu a week (1-14)
(250iu Monday-250iu Thursday)
Aromasin 12.5mg E3D (1-2)
25mg E3D (3-18)
Clomid 50mg ED (15-18)

Hows it look now? I still want to drop 10lbs of fat before I start. I'm 205 and ~15%bf so trying to get down to 190-195lbs and maybe doing Jason Blaha's Novice 5x5 Program first to max out my natural strength gains before I try and enhance my self.

I want to make my recovery from being on as easy as possible I work 70+ hours a week (sales) and only average 5.5-6.5 hrs a sleep a night.

Im currently working out 4-5 times a week
Monday Wednesday Thursday 30-45 mins lifting heavy weights 5-10 reps big compound movements all full ROM
pull ups, dips, standing military dumbbell press, barbell squats( ass to grass) and occasionally seated nuetral close grip rows, single arm dumbbell rows and deadlifts or high hang power cleans

ill choose an upper body push, an upper body pull and a lower body exercise but almost always add a couple sets of body weight dips and pull ups to every workout

then I do 30mins of shadow boxing alternating rounds with and without 4-5lb weights in hands (punches and kicks)
or 30mins heavy back (mainly kicks and some palm strikes Bas style)

atleast st once a week some times twice I do a 1.5 hour Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class