Friday Night


New member
Yep, I am on here on a Friday...:(

I am getting to the point were going out isn't as much fun anymore. Oh well, anyone have some good plans for the weekend. I will be heading to the Breeders Cup this weekend...:D
Hey Winnie, me too... :( I know all too well what ya are feelin' being "in" on an "out" night!! Oh well... we'll be well rested and ready to go in the AM, no?? :D I'm here w/ya anyway.. :)
i'M here too! I just got of work and don't have the energy to go show my skillz on the dance floor like usually do. :p
superman1975 said:
i'm in the same boat as you guys--buit i decided to buy beer this weekend

Hey superman what's new with youn and are those fags over at Triedia still talking out of there ass about me there?
Looks like we all are staying in tonight, although I am starting to get a itch to go out, thats what a couple of glasses of Merlot will do to
superman1975 said:

uh thats one of your usernames on that board--i really dont want to talk about this here

Dude don't believe them. I only got one handle over there but they insist on saying otherwise.