Hello everyone


New member
I am a new member just wanted to introduce myself and get involved in a world that's taken me by storm

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Welcome to MuscleChemistry. Enjoy the forum, ask questions, get involved. Great to have you here.
It's a pleasure, some great information on here, and people genuinely seem to know there business. Let the knowledge flow guys, I'm a student of the ways of the Iron.

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Welcome to the board. Just feel free to ask questions. Great resource for all kinds of information.
Anybody tried the MI40 Training with nos sets. Started recently and I think if no one's tried it they should it's really good

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Look it up on Google as I cant upload the file on here it will not allow me to do so it's basically a form of training where you use intentions, NOS sets for example for sets of 8. Say bench press arguments sake... 4 seconds down no rest 1 second up and again 4 seconds down 1 sexond up so on so forth....Except at the end of each set when you reach 8th rep you lower the the weight 20% or roughly and then go 5/6 reps same again 4 down 1 up then 20% off..... you see where I'm going right.... by the end of it your fucked. It activates the lactic acid to make you get great gains.

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Sounds good like a combination of a couple other programs. Negatives & drop sets. Sounds great as long as your not doing a lot of sets per bodypart, getting plenty of rest, & nutrition. Very good workout.
Look it up on Google as I cant upload the file on here it will not allow me to do so it's basically a form of training where you use intentions, NOS sets for example for sets of 8. Say bench press arguments sake... 4 seconds down no rest 1 second up and again 4 seconds down 1 sexond up so on so forth....Except at the end of each set when you reach 8th rep you lower the the weight 20% or roughly and then go 5/6 reps same again 4 down 1 up then 20% off..... you see where I'm going right.... by the end of it your fucked. It activates the lactic acid to make you get great gains.

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so ya need a partner then basically to pull the weight off on your 8th rep, and then hit a few, sounds like it can be a pretty intense workout if done right