I love MuscleChemistry.com


Staff member
I dont know why I am posting this shit, I was just thinking to myself how much I love having a place to come and chat, learn and be entertainined by all you fools posts,lmao
Ever since I got outa the pin, its the only place I can go to see half naked me on a regular basis. LOL. well Presser is half naked or mostly anyway. I ve been a member for 7 years here.
btw... we got 10yrs this month bro! .... this place is the best!

when did we start this site? december 1999 so yep 10 years is coming up next december right? or this one? shit i hope were not in our ten year month, i didnt do anythingspecial, fuck
this is the beginning of year 10 ... you started december 1999 if i remember correctly.... damn that's pretty fuckin' awesome if you think about it... the first version of mc.com wasn't 1998 was it? .. i think it's 1999, so this IS year 10 !!! .... which is pretty awesome concidering how many have fallen due to stupidity and greed...

this place is informative, positive, educational, and extremely entertaining...

that's why i come back all the f'n time....
this is the beginning of year 10 ... you started december 1999 if i remember correctly.... damn that's pretty fuckin' awesome if you think about it... the first version of mc.com wasn't 1998 was it? .. i think it's 1999, so this IS year 10 !!! .... which is pretty awesome concidering how many have fallen due to stupidity and greed...

this place is informative, positive, educational, and extremely entertaining...

that's why i come back all the f'n time....

so next December 2009 will will be celebrating our tenth year! Unreal realy!
damn right... i hope as much as you do that the members appreciate this place... we need more posters too.. i think it's about time to try to recruit more informative members.. and the newbies who have common questions.. ASK!!! it's OK... that's why we're here....

not JUST for OUR health.. for YOURS too!@
this is the beginning of year 10 ... you started december 1999 if i remember correctly.... damn that's pretty fuckin' awesome if you think about it... the first version of mc.com wasn't 1998 was it? .. i think it's 1999, so this IS year 10 !!! .... which is pretty awesome concidering how many have fallen due to stupidity and greed...

this place is informative, positive, educational, and extremely entertaining...

that's why i come back all the f'n time....

I feel so fucking old- I remember version 1....
Wow that is a mile stone considering a shitload of boards have come and gone due to poor management which included- No rules, open source, Source scamming, Jack asses attacking members etc......Congrats to you guys who started it all.