I tore something!!!


New member
FUCK, I tore something in my right shoulder and its killing me.  It hurts clean into my neck  and down through the middle of my back, down into the top of my seratus muscles, then back up through my chest.  Now I can barely move my arm and it hurts to turn my head also.  I worked shoulders last night and felt fine afterward, except what I thought was a muscle ache, but last night while I was relaxing, it started hurting more and more.  Now its really sore and I can feel a sharp pain right in the joint.  If it doesn't get better over the weekend, I will have to go see the Dr on monday.  Has anyone else experienced something like this?  Thanks, Later
Yes...I have bro...EXACTLY like that. Let me guess..it is extremely painful to turn your head from side to side? Doesn't sound good...gonna have to live thru this weekend and see the doc on Monday. Just curious..do you remember exactly what excercise you were doing when it happened...I was doing dumbell military presses.
I don't remember what I was doing.  It didn't start hurting any worse than a muscle ache until I relaxed last night, then it got worse.  hell, I can hardly use it to type now.  I got out of bed early this morning because it hurt so bad, I couldn't sleep.  Hopefully its nothing big, but with this much pain, it can't be good.  Later
Shit Napalm,sorry to hear bro. Since it was so subtle at the onset and worsened more overnight with rest it maybe more from swelling/inflammation of the rotator cuff and not a tear. Swelling can cause an impingement of the rotator cuff and "toothache" type pain in the shoulder joint.I'd load up on Ibuprofen 800mg every 8 hrs and ice the hell out of it to try and get any swelling to subside. Hope that's all it is bro.
Had something simmiler happen 2 me... Found something that worked great for both the pain and swelling. Felden Geltry it out!
You said it felt fine after the workout. I am not a doctor but when I was playing ball people I saw get muscle/ligament tears generally new it right away. I am going to hope for the best for you in that regard.

Now I have had something similar happen to me twice while doing shoulders. Both times it ended up being a shoulder impingement. Basically it is when the ligaments get pinched in the shoulder causing them to become inflamed. Once they are inflamed the pain is pretty much constant no matter what you do. The onset happened to me pretty much how you described it. After the workout just felt a good lactic acid burn in the shoulders but as the ligaments started to swell up the pain got pretty bad but not as bad as you are describing. The condition is also common with bursitis. The lack of lubrication in the joint can cause the inflammation.
damn bro, that sucks ....I know how you feel though....I wacked my wrist with a freakin die grinder cut off wheel last week......they dont caall it a cutoff wheel for nothin!!!!!
Screwed my liftin up bad.....I was out for 1 1/2 weeks....had to sit and watch my partners lift while I was gimped out.....That sucks ass bro!!!!! Good luck ....hope it's something not too bad.
Yours in sport
sounds more like a pulled muscle, not a serious tear.  I hope that's what it is because I know you are training hard for a show coming up.  Sit out a few days and use IcyHot or MineralIce plus Aspercreme on the entire area.  Keep us posted.
Getting old is a bitch isn't it? I'm with DecaDent on his one. The only problem with getting tendonitis(inflammation of a tendon) is it seems to never go away. I've been scoped and everything else. I never do over head work anymore. ie shoulder press. In fact we got a lifting coach here teaching us the snatch lift for explosive development and I can't do the lift because of my pussy shoulders. You will most likey have to make permanent changes to your shoulder routines. It sucks I know.