Is is necessary to mix tylenol with pure hydrocodones and/or codein?

shokjosh456 said:
Depends on your tolerance.I use to mix hydrocodone and codiene to get a more high effect only cuz I didnt have enough hydro.If you really want some advice.Stay off them.Im detoxing from hydros as we hurts when your body gets used to it and then you dont have it.But I was at a 22 pills(10mg's) a d ay habit.I'd take 12 at first then 5 and 5 to keep it level.Im hurting right now.The pains hard to explain.Like a fever achiness all through your body.Plus it makes you very irritable.almost lost my marriage due to hydros

man how did your stomach handle all that acetametophen? 22 10mg pills a day? thats like 22x650mgs of acetametophen. thats unreal. my stomach hurts just thinking about it.

ok..hydrocodone (vicodin, vicodin es, vicodin hp, loracet, ect) are all pretty decent painkillers...personally, i like to stray away from the hydrocodone and mess around with oxycodone (percocet, oxycontin). in my opinion, oxycodone is a more powerful and longer lasting narcotic pain killer. I'll take 4, 5 miligram vicodins and be high for about an hour or and hour and a half...On the other hand, i'll take 4, 5 milligram percocets and be high for about double the ammount. and if i take an oxycontin then forget it, i'll be high for at least 3 to 4 hours. and i actually rather enjoy the come-down from oxycodone. I feel loose, tingly, and i can pass out at ne moment that i want. my pill of choice ovbiously are percocet 7.5s. street value in my hometown is 5 dollars a piece, and oddly enough for a percocet 10 its ten bucks a pill! i like the drug for its effects, and also on my days off from skool or work to just sit on the couch, pop some perks and relax..Tonight actually, i will be gettin a whole perscription of 5 mil. vicodin absolutly free! im real hype about that, you cant argue with free. turns that a guy i work with at UPS was perscribed to them for his back. He took 1 and got sick, so he never touched them again, so hes just gona give them to me. a script of 60 vikes for nothing. i'll be set for a good while. Ive been poppin these badboys for years so ne questions anybody has about them jus pass them down i'll be happy to answer. until then, steady poppin.
Why acetaminophen can be dangerous...

Acetaminophen- the active compound in plain old Tylenol- can damage the liver in high doesages.
Acetaminophen works synergistically with opiates and is often combined with the codeine-type drugs that most people are familiar with (Vicodin, etc.). Remember that when you start to get a tolerance going to the opiates and need to take more pills for the same effect, you're ingesting much more acetaminophen too. At a certain point, you can overwhelm the enzymes in your liver that break it down and damaging levels of more toxic acetaminophen metabolites build up. There are many deaths or liver transplants every year in the US from Tylenol alone. Drinking alcohol on top of that ups the danger even more. And gear too? Ouch!

There's a version of Darvocet (a mild opiate) that does not contain any acetaminophen that you might want to get a hold of. I *think* its called Davocet-N-- tho I'm not at all sure. Ask your doctor (yeah, right...) Even better- stay away from all them pills if you're trying to get big and strong and healthy!
