jonflex's pics as of late :-)

hey bro..gotta agree with presser...gotta stay on most of the time...but you can do hrt doses when off (or kinda off) so maybe blast then cruise type of stuff...
750-1000mg = blast
200mg = cruise

yeah pretty much what presser said...

blast with test at 750-1250mg, deca or eq at 400-600mg, an oral (d bol or anadrol) 50-100mg ED....Do this for 6-12 weeks (as long as your feeling good, BP is good, feel healthy, ect)

then cruise for 4-6 weeks

test at 100mg to 250mg every week...

then blast again...maybe change up the compounds, or if you having good sucess do the same blast again...its up to you...

For me, I normally will cruise about 4 weeks, then blast for 8 weeks...this year is a tad different cause of my health...but normally I would cruise at 200mg for 4-6 weeks ...Then

1000mg long acting test (sust, cyp, enth) dont care whatever is cheaper or on sale...LOL

400mg EQ or Deca (just for the joints)

D-bol or anadrol at 50mg ED (for 6-8 weeks) or

tren ace at 150-225mg per week (75mg 2-3 x a week)

if you can afford it HGH at 3-6 iu's ED or 5-6 x a week/ IGF at 40-80mcg's 3 x a week
You looked Great Jon. I can feel your dissapointment after looking at the other guy's pics. Their conditioning wasn't close to yours. Good luck with your off season. Time to GROW!
yeah pretty much what presser said...

blast with test at 750-1250mg, deca or eq at 400-600mg, an oral (d bol or anadrol) 50-100mg ED....Do this for 6-12 weeks (as long as your feeling good, BP is good, feel healthy, ect)

then cruise for 4-6 weeks

test at 100mg to 250mg every week...

then blast again...maybe change up the compounds, or if you having good sucess do the same blast again...its up to you...

For me, I normally will cruise about 4 weeks, then blast for 8 weeks...this year is a tad different cause of my health...but normally I would cruise at 200mg for 4-6 weeks ...Then

1000mg long acting test (sust, cyp, enth) dont care whatever is cheaper or on sale...LOL

400mg EQ or Deca (just for the joints)

D-bol or anadrol at 50mg ED (for 6-8 weeks) or

tren ace at 150-225mg per week (75mg 2-3 x a week)

if you can afford it HGH at 3-6 iu's ED or 5-6 x a week/ IGF at 40-80mcg's 3 x a week

awesome chris, thanks for the info... thats exactly what im going to do !!
i feel great it being 2 weeks after show. im back up to 242 as of this morning from 213 (show weight)

You looked Great Jon. I can feel your dissapointment after looking at the other guy's pics. Their conditioning wasn't close to yours. Good luck with your off season. Time to GROW!

thanks chuck i appricate it brother... cnt wait to see your pics soon!!
good luck to ya chuck!!!
im be waiting for the results !!!

ill have your pics up asap if you dnt beat me to it
and heres 2 two guys that "BEAT" me
unreal man , just unreal

when i come back nxt year looking like a beast theyll have no choice besides to just hand me the 1st place :-)

That is a robbery. Sorry to hear that man. Your definition and symmetry was way better than those guys. Man, that is just ridiculous. You have the right way of thinking though, go back in there and make them give you the trophy.