Just out of curiousity how many of you drink?

I RARELY drink cause when I do, I usually over do it BIGTIME...maybe once a year at best...I drank 2 drinks the other night for new years eve, felt guilty as hell, didnt make it to the gym the next day, and felt like shit (mild hangover) the next day....I HATE feeling that way..
I rarely drink. If I do, it's one here or there. If I'm really having a bad day and ready to shoot somebody in the face, then I might have one to help calm me down. Other than that, I don't drink, except for Memorial Day weekend. I go to a 3 day party in Atlanta, and usually get toasty one of those days. Although this past year, I didn't really drink that much. Seems as I get older and try to work more on my body, the less I'm drinking.
I usually drive when I go out so don't drink all that much. When I do, a beer with dinner is about it. Been drunk maybe twice in the past six months or so.
Is it weird that when I drink, I get more vascular, muscles are more full, and the effect stays into the next day or two.

I don't drink much anymore though. It ruins my appetite for a day or two after