Looking for some help guys

dreww said:
Damn, thats alot of food.

I believe I could force myself to eat as much as I need to, if it actually went to gains. Anything over 4K and I just get fat.

Hypothetically, the other thing to consider is this- most of the guys that consume that much also have a very advanced supplement regimen(including myself) so this really narrows the field of guys that this applies to....

With all due respect,
Most guys here don't fit the criteria- like P said, there are only a handful....
MMX2 said:
Hypothetically, the other thing to consider is this- most of the guys that consume that much also have a very advanced supplement regimen(including myself) so this really narrows the field of guys that this applies to....

With all due respect,
Most guys here don't fit the criteria- like P said, there are only a handful....

I was certainly thinking of the regimen required to fulfill that intake need. Ive never done real high dosages and therefore, have not needed super-high food intake. I dont think even at those dosages, I would need that much food. But I have never been there and won't know until I get real experience at that level.