my Before/After pictures


New member
Here is my before and after pictures from my cycle that I just finished. Before stats were 5'7, 220 lbs, Don't know bf %.
After stats were 5'7, 217 lbs. I seemed to have lost some bf and gained some muscle since I am relatively the same weight. What do you think my current bf % is in the after picture? Please comment on my results. I won't take anything as a flame as I'm looking for some honest opinions. thanks.


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you can tell you've added muscle at the expense of some fat. good job! as for you BF%... i'm probably not the best to judge this, but if i were gonna take a stab at it i'd say mid-high teens. before's i'd say easily in the 20's. how much strength did you gain? did you take measurements to help you judge your progress?
My strength has gone through the roof. A lot better then expected. Some strength increases as goes:

Before After

Incline dumbell press 90 lbs for 8 reps 120 lbs for 8 reps
Barbell curls 95 for 6 reps 135 lbs for 8 reps
flat bench 225 lbs for 6 315 for 4
smith machine
shoulder press 185 for 6 255 for 6

Every body part has increased in strenth. I did not take any measurements though. Wish that I had.
Good work at trading fat lbs for muscle pounds! That extra muscle will help burn even more. As far as guessing on bf%.....before 26%...after 20%. I'm not the best quesstimator without calipers bro. Either way your going in the right direction so Keep up the good work gymrat!
Damn 46 views and only 3 replies. I was hoping for a little more constructive critism then that. Come on people, flame me if you must.

madchemist: I'm in the process right now of actually doing exactly what you said.
Keep up the positive work ethic! I would try to hit calories a little below maint, and cardio 5/7 days a week for 45-60mins each session. Along with the t-3 and clen, the fat should melt off.

Keep up the great work though!
yeah, that's how I burned off the fat that I did. I did 40 min of cardio first thing in the morning 4-5 days a week and did my lifting at night.

I have to find a better way to get clen and T3. Not happy with my current method.
Sounds like you are headed in the right direction bro. I don't know what your diet looks like so I can't comment on that but if you keep a clean diet you should be able to drop more weight. Keep the protein up and the carbs down and you should see some good results. I know it works because I have used it.:D Keep on keepin on bro.:)
Big difference in the after back shot.You can tell you moved some weight upstairs,good job.Good strength gains too.As for b.f.%,I'd say high teens but ya did trade b.f. for lean mass.
I think your doing great!.....can see that your traps are bigger, tighter and leaner in the chest, smaller in the waist line. Stay on the cardio, and a clean diet and the BF will keep droping. As far as the % goes....I would guess that it is prolly pretty close to 30....but keep it up.....if it was easy to do, everyone would have a great muscular body.
thanks for the great encouragement from everyone. This will definitely keep me very motivated to reach my goals. Now that my cycle is over, I don't plan on slowing down at all. In fact, I will keep pushing myself harder everyday. Thanks to everyone again.