My DNP log

Cheers mate, we should save Silks log as a DNP reference for future. After all someone's gonna wanna do it every now and again.

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Then my after pics gotta be GOOD!! Lol

Thanks for the info btw. Some I was already doing, but a lot was new info. I eat a ton of oatmeal, I've upped my vit C and started taking vit E, but I didn't realize I needed that much so I'll add more. I knew u had to take a lot of antioxidants and the hubby told me to add melatonin so I have to cause he's the boss :-) As I stated before, I drink a ton of water. Not sure how much as far as gallons, but I was a big water drinker before starting DNP. Fortunately that wasn't a huge adjustment. I do need some sort of stimulant, ECA works fine for me so now I'm only sorta lazy, lol... For anyone who does want to try this in the future it was really important to me that my mind stay sharp for my job. I don't care if I feel lazy/tired, but due to my job I gotta be on my toes. I'm happy that it doesn't cloud my thinking like clen does. The only thing I would recommend is if you live in FL aka The Sunshine State (lol) DO THIS DURING THE WINTER! I'm joking of course but omg do I sweat soooo much! Haha!

I'm off to the gym now...shoulders and cardio! Thanks for keepin up with my log...this is fun!
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Then my after pics gotta be GOOD!! Lol

Thanks for the info btw. Some I was already doing, but a lot was new info. I eat a ton of oatmeal, I've upped my vit C and started taking vit E, but I didn't realize I needed that much so I'll add more. I knew u had to take a lot of antioxidants and the hubby told me to add melatonin so I have cause he's the boss :-) As I stated before, I drink a ton of water. Not sure how much as far as gallons, but I was a big water drinker before starting DNP. Fortunately that wasn't a huge adjustment. I do need some sort of stimulant, ECA works fine for me so now I'm only sorta lazy, lol... For anyone who does want to try this in the future it was really important to me that my mind stay sharp for my job. I don't care if I feel lazy/tired, but due to my job I gotta be on my toes. I'm happy that it doesn't cloud my thinking like clen does. The only thing I would recommend is if you live in FL aka The Sunshine State (lol) DO THIS DURING THE WINTER! I'm joking of course but omg do I sweat soooo much! Haha!

I'm off to the gym now...shoulders and cardio! Thanks for keepin up with my log...this is fun!

Yes, we are counting on your pictures (no pressure lol). After all I'm sure we can agree with your statement and support your aspirations to be the new face and ass of fitness in America starting right here at MC ;P

Good that you are enjoying it, in the end that's what's most important.


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No disrespect ok? I still think taking DNP is crazy and think this thread is a bad idea! Silk any thought about the rebound once coming off?
No disrespect ok? I still think taking DNP is crazy and think this thread is a bad idea! Silk any thought about the rebound once coming off?

No. I'm not doing this for a quick fix or because I want to lean out real fast. I'm doing it because I love this lifestyle and want to try something new. This is a cop out but don't we all do some things that aren't considered a good idea? I love training, cardio and even eating clean (well that's a love/hate thing, lol). I'm very disciplined and I'm 100% sure I won't rebound. I appreciate your concern. Maybe it is a bad idea, but I'm being as careful as I can. I'm not sure if you're concerned (aside from it being DNP) because of my comment about me being "the new face of fitness" cause that was a complete joke. In fact my hubby told me to put that. I'm not one of those girls that want to be the next "it" girl. I do it because I love the challenge and I love sharing this lifestyle with my husband :-)
No disrespect ok? I still think taking DNP is crazy and think this thread is a bad idea! Silk any thought about the rebound once coming off?

What "rebound" are you referring to? Do you know how DNP works? It is an uncoupling agent. It is not part of the bodies negative biofeedback loop... There is no "rebound". Perhaps you are referring to the bodies slightly lowered production of T3 when higher doses are used for extended periods in an attempt to regulate body temperature. This is not an issue at 250mg a day for 14 days.
We are not beginners and this is not a lose weight quick plan. Silk is in better shape and carries more muscle than the average male gym rat. She has abs at 165lbs. Ive researched DNP for years and I've had several friends try it. I'm very familiar with the effects both positive and negative.
If you don't approve of the topic than do not click on it. This experience is being shared and logged for the benefit of the community here.
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I 100% know how it works bro. I was just doing the same " Adding my thoughts for the benefit of the community here". Sorry if it came off wrong? Best of luck.
I 100% know how it works bro. I was just doing the same " Adding my thoughts for the benefit of the community here". Sorry if it came off wrong? Best of luck.

I understand your concern. I have tried to demotivate rookies in the past from using DNP. But in this case both the user and their spouse seem to have decent amount of experience and know what they are doing. So prolly as safe a bet as it gets.

And I believe irrespective of rookie or experienced, if someone is going to do it anyways, then might as well support them with knowledge and best practices so their chances of being safe are improved.

And ultimately, let's face it, bodybuilding is an extreme sport. We all tend to push our limits and test our metal in our ways. We all are our own guinea pigs and learn from each other's wins and losses, so who's to judge. We are all in it together, hence support is more important that judgement.

My 2 cents!

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I have a question for those of you who used DNP before. Let me start off by saying today was day 11 of 12 of my never ending work week so I'm exhausted. Also I only got maybe 4 hours of sleep last night for some reason. I decided today would be a good idea to take off from the gym. My question is why am I not as hot and sweaty today as the other days this past week. I had my moments of course, but right now for example I'm actually on the cooler side and comfortable. Not sure if some days are different than other or if I did something wrong. My diet was fine. I guess I have the thought if you're not miserable then it's not working, lol... Anyone else have days using this where it wasn't that challenging?
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I have a question for those of you who used DNP before. Let me start off by saying today was day 11 of 12 so I'm just exhausted simply from my never ending work week. Also I only go maybe 4 hours of sleep last night for some reason. So I used today as my day off from the gym. So my question is why am I not as hot and sweaty as the other days this past week. I had my moments where I was hot and sweating

Their is likely a slight down regulation of T3 production by the body in an attempt to lower body temp. This is the point where many people will increase dose which obviously we will not be doing. Other possibility is that your carb consumption has been limited and the last several days you've burned off all the muscle glucose. Carbs are what lead to the extreme temp like throwing gas on a fire. You are still in the same caloric deficit as before, but as mentioned if you keep carbs lower you can lessen sides.

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Their is likely a slight down regulation of T3 production by the body in an attempt to lower body temp. This is the point where many people will increase dose which obviously we will not be doing. Other possibility is that your carb consumption has been limited and the last several days you've burned off all the muscle glucose. Carbs are what lead to the extreme temp like throwing gas on a fire. You are still in the same caloric deficit as before, but as mentioned if you keep carbs lower you can lessen sides.

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Agreed! Not sure if at her dose she'll have t3 down regulation in 12 days but I certainly think the carbs are a major factor in heat.

Tho you don't want to restrict carb too much.

The only time I felt any relief was few hours after my big carb meals, when comparatively I didn't feel as miserable. Lol

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So today is day 9 of 14. I can tell I'm leaning up some, but I know I won't see any real results till a few day after I'm off the DNP. My diet's been pretty clean. I did have a cheat meal yesterday, but overall pretty clean. My plan for each week I'm on is 5 days of moderate cardio (walking at an incline) and 4 days of weights. I'm not going super heavy just enough to feel like I did something. Lower weight, high reps. Yesterday and today I felt pretty good. I wasn't overly hot like I had been this past week. Though as I type this I do have a fan pointed directly at me, lol...I don't feel miserable I guess is what I'm trying to say. I have no doubt it's working...maybe my body's adjusted some(?) My energy for the most part is fine as long as I'm on ECA. I'm keeping up with my water intake and various vitamins (C, E, Multi and melatonin). Just a little heads up for anyone who might try this, like I said I'm not as hot as I was when I started so it's a little easier to forget to stay hydrated so don't forget to keep drinking water! :-) I trained legs today and surprisingly I got a pretty good pump. The Dude even noticed. I could see how people start out at one dose, but end up at a higher dose. I'm staying at this dose (250mgs a day).
Agreed! Not sure if at her dose she'll have t3 down regulation in 12 days but I certainly think the carbs are a major factor in heat.

Tho you don't want to restrict carb too much.

The only time I felt any relief was few hours after my big carb meals, when comparatively I didn't feel as miserable. Lol

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What was your dose and duration and how much bodyfat did you lose?

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So today is day 9 of 14. I can tell I'm leaning up some, but I know I won't see any real results till a few day after I'm off the DNP. My diet's been pretty clean. I did have a cheat meal yesterday, but overall pretty clean. My plan for each week I'm on is 5 days of moderate cardio (walking at an incline) and 4 days of weights. I'm not going super heavy just enough to feel like I did something. Lower weight, high reps. Yesterday and today I felt pretty good. I wasn't overly hot like I had been this past week. Though as I type this I do have a fan pointed directly at me, lol...I don't feel miserable I guess is what I'm trying to say. I have no doubt it's working...maybe my body's adjusted some(?) My energy for the most part is fine as long as I'm on ECA. I'm keeping up with my water intake and various vitamins (C, E, Multi and melatonin). Just a little heads up for anyone who might try this, like I said I'm not as hot as I was when I started so it's a little easier to forget to stay hydrated so don't forget to keep drinking water! :-) I trained legs today and surprisingly I got a pretty good pump. The Dude even noticed. I could see how people start out at one dose, but end up at a higher dose. I'm staying at this dose (250mgs a day).

1. You're every bit as hot as when you started!
2. I'm confident that the Kratom has had a very positive benefit on your mood and energy levels :-)

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No extreme lethargy?

Don't get me wrong, I had my moments where I was very lethargic but that was mostly the first week. I still have some lazy spells now, but it's not near as bad as the first week. I'm no Superwoman so I basically prioritize the things I want to get done with the limited energy I have on this stuff. Gym/diet being at the top obviously :-) Like I said I do take some sort of stimulant or Kratom ed and that's a big help. Now it could be that I've developed somewhat of a routine so I know when and what to take before I get to a lethargic state. Let's just say I'm not having to drag myself to the gym. I'm just as motivated now as I was before I started the DNP. In fact when I get there I have to force myself to hold back and not go all out when training. Laundry and household chores, now that's another story, lol
Don't get me wrong, I had my moments where I was very lethargic but that was mostly the first week. I still have some lazy spells now, but it's not near as bad as the first week. I'm no Superwoman so I basically prioritize the things I want to get done with the limited energy I have on this stuff. Gym/diet being at the top obviously :-) Like I said I do take some sort of stimulant or Kratom ed and that's a big help. Now it could be that I've developed somewhat of a routine so I know when and what to take before I get to a lethargic state. Let's just say I'm not having to drag myself to the gym. I'm just as motivated now as I was before I started the DNP. In fact when I get there I have to force myself to hold back and not go all out when training. Laundry and household chores, now that's another story, lol

Keep up the great work Silk....
Just for you Presser I bought a scale last night :-) I weighed myself first thing this morning on an empty stomach and I'm 161lbs. I also took my before pics last night. I'll get them up along with my after pics when my 14 day experiment is over. Including today I have 10 days left.

Has anyone here tried DNP before?

awww how sweet, lol. and no I've never used DNP, nor would i ever use it. But to each their own and looking forward to seeing your before and after progression pics.