red blood cells too high


New member
just wondering if someone can shed so light on something for me concerning red blood cells. After my 2nd time using gear i was coming off and hips and back got inflamed to the point of giving out.. i had to see a dr he said he wanted to run blood test to make sure there was no infection. there was none but he said my red blood count was high and that he wanted me to see a specialist. I thought about the gear and researched as much as i could find on red blood cells. i know it caused by my gear and the specialist is calling to make a appt. I feel fine now after a few week of rest and eveythings good. But wondering if blood cell will return to normal or if theres anything to get my blood back to normal if i need to see the dr. can anybody explain more in dept. is inflamation normal after gear i have been off for 3 months completly and if theres something better than nsads for the inflamation. i some alot of the size i gain for being out of the gym and taking nsads . im wondering if the dr is curious if i was using gear i told him i was taking a supplement when he asked if i was taking any performance enhancers.
Well, your RBC should return to normal after stopping the gear. Seems unusual to have inflammation though. What were you on, and what dosages, etc.?
3 months later and your RBC is still high? I want to know what you were on too because that is one hell of a good side effect if it weren't for the inflammation. Do you do cardio and if so how much? Cardio will help you burn those extra RBC's and if your blood pressure wasn't high then the RBC count is fine to be on the high side. Did your Doc have a baseline from an old blood test to compare it against because if not then how does he know it's high for you?
im in my earley 30 i was taking test enthan 500 mg a week 500 dec a week for 10 weeks i had to stop working out due to inflamation so cardio has been non existanct and the baseline i had a blood test in 1-31-07 and the range for normal red is 4.10-5.70 mine was 5.36 also my hematocrit normal 39.0-51.0 mine 48.4 hemoglobin 13.-17.0 mine was 15.9 thats in 1-31-07 on 11/06/07 my red blood count 6.06 hematocrit 48.4 hemoglobin 18.7 .... and my test 210ng/dl whats normal for test? .... you think i should just go face the music ?
The inflammation doesn't make sense to me so I would go back to the doc for more tests. Deny ever using anything other than OTC supps and laugh off any mention of AAS, if the subject is pushed tell them you tried some ProHormones but didn't like them. The max limit for hemoglobin in tested competitions like the Olympics and Tour de France etc is 18.5 so you're just above that, not sure what the RBC test max is but something's going on beyond your AAS use so I would see the specialist. Good Luck bro and keep us posted.

Do you live at or train at high altitude?
seriously I'm not a Doc but this really stumps me, trying to figure out how his RBC is so high and any info would help... I want what he's taking, I'd like to get mine up there! lol
i dont live or train in high altitudes i live a littile over see level. whats so good about having high red blood cells ?
body 2 see ill difffently will try that thanks for the explanation... they want me to give more blood next week to see if its going back to normal so i hope the milk thistle works...
thganks again....
2fastnova said:
im in my earley 30 i was taking test enthan 500 mg a week 500 dec a week for 10 weeks i had to stop working out due to inflamation so cardio has been non existanct and the baseline i had a blood test in 1-31-07 and the range for normal red is 4.10-5.70 mine was 5.36 also my hematocrit normal 39.0-51.0 mine 48.4 hemoglobin 13.-17.0 mine was 15.9 thats in 1-31-07 on 11/06/07 my red blood count 6.06 hematocrit 48.4 hemoglobin 18.7 .... and my test 210ng/dl whats normal for test? .... you think i should just go face the music ?

Normal test levels are 300 - 1200 ng/dl basically speaking. Some docs use slightly different scales, but this is the average. You're low, bro. You could pretty much ask your doc to put you on hormone replacement due to the low level, but he'd probably hold off because of your high RBC and inflammation. Typically, your RBC would return to normal after stopping a cycle, so I would surmise that it is being caused by something other than the AAS. What other supplements are you on if any?
high RBC is good. Athletes will sometimes draw blood and then put it back in for increased performance. I would worry about high WBC count however.
I drink a rock star a day... i know thats shitty but need it cause feel like crap due to lack of test i imagine.. is there any way to make blood count go down and keep my test level low so i can get the hormone treatment... legal gear thats sweet.. no but serious i feel week and tired as hell didnt know anything about pct and still lack the knowledge of a proper pct... i was told twenty different things and half the crap i couldnt get so i just went off... and drank rock stars for pep ... i havent been in the gym for about 2 and a half month and my all the good ive done with my gear is going to crap.. i wish i knew of a over the counter way for pct so i wont feel like crap... im a newbie when it came to this and any source i had went extremly dry.. so for pct its got to be over the counter. and im not big enough for people to approach me so i need to find somethings over the counter ... any suggestion for pct over the counter if i can ever get some goods. or any suggestions for over the counter supps besides protien and creatine and epistane. But i do want to tell if there is anybody new learn what the hell your doing first before you stick a needle in your body or you could of just wasting a few hundred dollars and feel like crap...... I have learned from my mistake and will need to do more research before i attempt usage of gear again.. this sucks :nope:
I'm curious to see how 2fast is making out... but overall there is ALOT of good info in this thread, and the bottom line is... read, research, ask, and understand before doing something you're not prepared to do correctly..

i hope you are doing alright... and great advice gang...