Rubbing after pinning?

I heat it up with a blow dryer for a 15-20 sec. And it thins the oil down and it helps me out !!!
That's what I'm saying. You wimps sound like you are preparing a baby bottle or something.
hahahahahaha omg! look just bc I warm it up in a pot on the stove than check the temp on my forearm 1st...
OK **Question** If it is good to put a heat pack on afterwards, would this be a better alternative???
~Draw up what you are going to use, run the syringe (below the needle and hub) under warm to hot water for a little while, making the oil thinner, than administer

I just use a lighter or a candle and hold the pin over it for a few seconds. Gotta be careful not to melt it though, lol, I've melted the numbers off once not paying attention
heat first massage after, you cant disapate cold gear in relatively cold muscle, once there is warmth it disperses perfectly,
people who get pain from rubbing the area afterwards are rubbing it too hard, you cant force the oil to spread throughout the muscle, you need to softly massage it so it can slowly spread out.
heat first massage after, you cant disapate cold gear in relatively cold muscle, once there is warmth it disperses perfectly,
people who get pain from rubbing the area afterwards are rubbing it too hard, you cant force the oil to spread throughout the muscle, you need to softly massage it so it can slowly spread out.

hmmm sounds good man
I just use a lighter or a candle and hold the pin over it for a few seconds. Gotta be careful not to melt it though, lol, I've melted the numbers off once not paying attention

yeah I wouldnt use a lighter lol or any flame haha