seriously, if you're a bitch ass trainer don't get in my face!

I didn't read all of your posts because I'm on my phone but I just want to say how much
I hate the stupid trainers at my gym. They are all fat and say they 'compete'! What a joke!
One in particular is some fat phillipino man who has saggy man breasts who tries to high five
me inbetween one of my sets. I looked at him like he was a phycopath.
If your a trainer and get fat you should get fired. Don't bother me when I am at the gym.
Holy shit, what a DOUCHE!!!!!!! Whats your next avenue of approach? Are you gonna see if you can get out of your contract?

honestly, as a former gym manager myself i was hoping he'd offer me a few extra months free for the inconvenience....that didn't happen so i'm just gonna buy out my remaining two months and switch gyms....daily i'm also posting about this on facebook so all my local people start seeing it and know it's not where they should be......i know it's probably petty for me to do that, but this is much better than kicking both the dipshit trainers and owners asses in the parking lot!
I agree ,precore, withou a doubt. Trainers are suppose to be leaders. Real leaders lead by example and not the "Do as I say not as I do" method; that is, unless you're mick from Rocky, he's pretty motivating.
Screw that bro, don't feel bad educating the locals on what kinda gym they really are. I'm sure the hardcore lifters will actually learn. Who knows, you may have saved a poor soul from getting crunched by a barbell full of weights they didn't hve any business lifting.