Some progress pics...

not bad kido, ur lookin good like on AR, cemetricly ur doing great also...can u show us some b4 1st & 2nd cycle pics? if u have any? im just sayin cause im thinkin about jumping on a very mild cycle to c the changes
all right!

here are some I took about 2 months ago right after finishing my 2nd cycle...


  • front relaxed.jpg
    front relaxed.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 820
I try to take pics every 2-3 weeks and I've been doing this for the past year, so I have tons. I start my 3rd cycle in a couple weeks so I'll have to keep this thread alive.
Good progress

Looking good!

Your shoulders are a strong point. WIsh I had em...
Quads are also good for someone who is tall. You probably need to bring up your calfs some to be better balanced.

You managed to add some size yet stay lean. Congrats! It can be done! Personally I think that bulking way up to add size is over rated, plus it is very hard to tell where you are at when your bf goes up over 10%. Is the added weight muscle?, fat?, water retention? Can't really tell until you lean out again. I prefer to stay lean so that I can better monitor progress and changes.

Are you planning to compete in 04?
Re: Good progress

VA MadDog said:
Are you planning to compete in 04?

Yup, I'd like to enter a show in April (when I'll finish this next cycle) but I'm not sure which one yet. I was even flirting with the idea of doing the NPC Bodyrock show in July or the NPC MD State in Sept.., tough shows!
Go for it

I don't remember from your past posts if you have competed before or not or if you have used the help of someone like Skip.

I can say that having a coach does remove a lot of the stress factor. If you have never had a coach before I would suggest that you consider it. It can be a big help and you will learn things that will help you this time and in the future.

Big shows are not necessarily a bad thing. Many times they are better run than smaller shows, but not always. Ask around about the promoters from people who have entered their shows before. That will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect.

Even though it means that I usually place lower - lol, I like the challenge of a bigger show. Good luck with your prep and planning.
Re: Go for it

VA MadDog said:
If you have never had a coach before I would suggest that you consider it.

I will most likely use a coach. This will be my first show. There's a guy that lifts at the Gold's here that placed 12th in the heavies at the NPC Nationals last year, knows his shit. I may use him or somebody like Skip. After talking to a buddy the other night at the gym, I decided the NPC Pittsburgh will be my 1st show. We're both doing it so it will be nice having someone else to prepare with. I'm working on a cycle to lead me right into the show. Here's what I'm thinking:

40mg dbol (1-4)
750mg cyp (1-14)
500mg eq (1-13)
masteron 100 mg eod (8-16)
anavar 40mg ed (8-16)
prop 100mg eod (12-16)
L-dex .5mg to 1mg ed (1-16)
proviron 50mg ed (1-16)
Good luck Pumpseeker. You'll kick ass in the NPC Pittsburgh!

I've followed your posts here and on AR; you know your shit and have made great progress. I'm a good bit older than you and have learned a lot from your posts; I'll be interested in your progress. Who knows, maybe you'll inspire an old fart like me to follow in your footsteps one day.......

Seriously, I know you'll do well and offer my encouragement, for what it's worth. I look forward to seeing your progress!


Looking SOLID. We have similiar stats and build, but I can't seem to put it together quite the way you have. = MOTIVATION for me.