Spanishfly pics 2 days out from show

wow, great physique, you'll steal the show. Good luck little sister.
Damn U Look great, kick ass at the show. I'd wish you luck but you don't need it, the work is there.
Choke03 said:
Damn U Look great, kick ass at the show. I'd wish you luck but you don't need it, the work is there.

Ty, one more day. tomorrow at 3pm the show begins. I'm ready or as ready as I can get not to mention starving as hell!! LOL!!

BTW, I never thanked you for the UFC tickets. That kicked ass!! Much appreciated!! Here's a big THANK YOU!!!
No problam, I hope it comes back to Jersey again, the team get's a ton of comp's. Glad you enjoyed it. Make sure you tell us how things go asap. And make the big man take you out to EAT after you clean up !!!!!
MD..Huh... If I wasn't busy as hell.. I would come down to root for you!
Damn, MD is only like 3 1/2 hours away from me.....alas, I've been in Dallas for a week........SF, you look'd you do??
Well it's all over now. I placed 3rd in the open light weight. It was a lot of fun. :) Thanks again all!!