Started training again !!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Got my first workout in today...Delts and triceps..Felt great to get one in...Im going to do a Yates style workout, or HIT type of training for about 6-8 weeks...Just to get back into the grove...I'll focus on the big compound movements and keep the volume down...and go heavy...

Today's workout, was great...I didnt really lose much strengh at all, in the past month...I gain some bodyfat (because I ate like crap) but overall I didnt lose much muscle...I think I can gain eveything back in about 4 weeks, and then start to progress from there...With me being healthy again, I think I'll be again to gain on lower doses again...But for the time being, Im going to just do 200-300mg per week to be safe...
Awesome man, I know how good it must have felt to get back in the gym. I'm glad you're finally getting back in the swing of things. Keep it safe bro!!
today im going to do Quads/Hams in HIT style

probably do something like this

Leg Extensions - 2-3 warm ups 1 working set to failure/ 8-12 reps
Leg Press - 2-4 warm ups 1 working set to failure/ 8-12 reps

Still Leg deadlifts (on smythe) - 2 warm ups / 1 working set to failure 10 reps
Lying single leg curls - 2 warm ups / 1 working set to failure around 10 reps
today im going to do Quads/Hams in HIT style

probably do something like this

Leg Extensions - 2-3 warm ups 1 working set to failure/ 8-12 reps
Leg Press - 2-4 warm ups 1 working set to failure/ 8-12 reps

Still Leg deadlifts (on smythe) - 2 warm ups / 1 working set to failure 10 reps
Lying single leg curls - 2 warm ups / 1 working set to failure around 10 reps

Looks good Bro, give'em hell.
Yesterdays diet looked like this

meal 1 - 2 scp whey 2 packets oatmeal
meal 2 - same as meal 1 (at work)
meal 3 - 8oz. grilled chicken breast / green beans
meal 4 - 8oz. chicken breast / 1/2 cup white rice / green beans (post workout)
meal 5 - 1 cup cottage cheese

trying to get use to eating 5-6 meals again...not alot of food here..but some of my meds kill my appitite
my goal is to be close to contest shape in about 3 months or whatever weight that is...Im hoping to be around 220-225lbs or so...but we will see...Im not going to do much gear...probably just HRT for now..Im going to talk to my HRT doc on friday and see what he thinks about adding in anabolics like EQ or Deca into the mix...So maybe I can go up to 400-600mg of test again. and around 200-300mg of deca or eq a cycle when everything is healthy again...but we will not sure...
im very happy to hear that brother

its awesome to hear your feeling better and back to the place you love, the gym!!
my goal is to be close to contest shape in about 3 months or whatever weight that is...Im hoping to be around 220-225lbs or so...but we will see...Im not going to do much gear...probably just HRT for now..Im going to talk to my HRT doc on friday and see what he thinks about adding in anabolics like EQ or Deca into the mix...So maybe I can go up to 400-600mg of test again. and around 200-300mg of deca or eq a cycle when everything is healthy again...but we will not sure...

That would be awesome. My Dr. is working on figuring out if he can write me a script for Deca. Are you trying to get a script or just a go ahead from the Dr??
awesome chris! take it slow and steady. Also whats your weight at now?
That would be awesome. My Dr. is working on figuring out if he can write me a script for Deca. Are you trying to get a script or just a go ahead from the Dr??

well I got a script for test...but the eq is something im doing on my own..Im going to ask the dr. on friday if he thinks its safe to use EQ at lower doses..I would say yes..but I'll get blood test to see what it does...
great news bro, keep it up-you are a true champ:gold:
most people would have thrown the towel in-you keep pushing forward...AWESOME
About time bro. All you did the 4-6 weeks was sitting on your now fat Good luck in the next 4-6 weeks you get big and lean and I will then be the only FAT ASS... LMFFSO !!!!