The Dudes Recovery from Cervical Fusion

Also I was 238lbs??? How did that happen?? I guess as Presser said once you reach a certain size the muscle really sticks around. No doubt I'm fatter, but I still have good abs
I've spent the last couple months looking for experiences similiar to mine and all I've found were questions. Given that fact I figured I'd post a log of my adventures here.
I haven't touched a weight or anything since October. That includes my HRT dose. I probably should've stayed on that, but I didn't. I was about 250 at about 8% when I was forced to stop. The day of my surgery 1/15/14, I was 228. I hadn't had anything to eat of drink in 10 hours. I had substantial strength loss and nerve damage in my right arm and horrible headaches and neck pains along with debilitating muscle spasms as a result of a car accident in early 2013.
I had a Multi level discectomy and cervical fusion. They took out a couple ruptured disks and put in spacers which bolted into the vertebra.
Today is 5 days post op and I feel great. Been off pain pills for 2 days and have no pain. Still stiff and some weird twitching, but I have total relief. I have an X-ray on 2/7 to check the status on the fusion. I hope for good news and to be allowed to get back in the gym with light weights.
I started back on HRT yesterday and I'll probably stay with that for a while. As soon as I'm allowed back in the gym I'm going to start some MC IGF as well as a few of the products from the Human Evolution. I'll keep this updated as I can. I have some other things I'll be involved in. Silk and I will be moving and I will be looking for a new career path. Any questions feel free

Bro, that is seriously damn impressive! Good for you man, always like to hear of good recoveries!

- - - Updated - - -

I'm good!! My Dr said everything looked great and I could start back in the gym within reason. The only thing he said is no overhead stuff. I'm allowed to go back to work in 2 weeks, but that will be temporary until the lawsuit settles. It will be nice to get back on a routine

probably avoid all spinal compression things for a while, squats and deads included. Go slow man! That is the most important thing is to get out of the mindset of push push push as hard as you can when something doesn't feel like it's exhausting enough. Take your time and heal up right, good luck man!
I'm good!! My Dr said everything looked great and I could start back in the gym within reason. The only thing he said is no overhead stuff. I'm allowed to go back to work in 2 weeks, but that will be temporary until the lawsuit settles. It will be nice to get back on a routine

Awesome news bro. BTW you're 238 cause you're fat.
Did quads / hams / calves yesterday and had a great workout. Kept it light, but intense. I did chest and abs today and had another great workout. I'm feeling awesome in general. I've lost very little strength. Man do I have some crazy motivation!! My diet has been outstanding and I'm killing the cardio as well.
I have a 2 hour deep tissue massage that is going to be hell tomorrow. It's badly needed though. I have no doubt that I will reach my absolute best within 6 - 8 months
Did quads / hams / calves yesterday and had a great workout. Kept it light, but intense. I did chest and abs today and had another great workout. I'm feeling awesome in general. I've lost very little strength. Man do I have some crazy motivation!! My diet has been outstanding and I'm killing the cardio as well.
I have a 2 hour deep tissue massage that is going to be hell tomorrow. It's badly needed though. I have no doubt that I will reach my absolute best within 6 - 8 months

Man, that is awesome! Keep it up and keep us updated brother!!!

God Bless and God Speed
Wow man..that's scary surgery. I know a few that have had it done. A friend of mine was an ultimate fighter ( as it was just starting to blow up ). He had to have that neck surgery u had..ended his career also. Sux!! My mom had it also. Her fusion went perfectly. 2 years later, was out boating with her boyfriend and the water got ruff. He came down hard on top of a wave and it blew her fusion up. She had to have a second surgery to fix some of the damage. Be careful in the future bro. Always make your fusion the determining factor before you do anything. I hope all is going well for your recovery brother!!

You say you have to switch careers. If you don't mind me asking, what was prev career and have you figured out what you're gonna do next?
Wow man..that's scary surgery. I know a few that have had it done. A friend of mine was an ultimate fighter ( as it was just starting to blow up ). He had to have that neck surgery u had..ended his career also. Sux!! My mom had it also. Her fusion went perfectly. 2 years later, was out boating with her boyfriend and the water got ruff. He came down hard on top of a wave and it blew her fusion up. She had to have a second surgery to fix some of the damage. Be careful in the future bro. Always make your fusion the determining factor before you do anything. I hope all is going well for your recovery brother!!

You say you have to switch careers. If you don't mind me asking, what was prev career and have you figured out what you're gonna do next?

Thank you guys. Things are going good. I didn't lose near the size or strength that I expected. I can't go all out, but judging by the weights I'm moving super strict I'd say I've got about 95% of my best strength. I feel great and I'm doing cardio 5 times a week and I've really gotten my diet cleaned up. I'm expecting to be at my all time best in maybe 8 months.
I previously worked 7 years in LE in one of the FBI's top 5 most dangerous cities in the country. Having discretion allows you to make a difference and I used it frequently. I had no chance of promotion due to my unwillingness to sell out. I feel that this happened for a reason as there is no more that I could accomplish and there is more out there for me.
I haven't totally decided what's in the future for me. I'll take several months to figure things out when we move to the new house in TN. Right now I'm thinking of going back into Finance as that was what I did before and I was very successful. That or perhaps insurance investigations? I want a 9-5 M-F deal so that I can be home with Silk like a normal married couple for a change.
So I've done cardio every single day and my diet has been pretty good. I did my second leg workout yesterday and thus far I'm at like 98% strength. It's coming back really fast. I went up 4 plates on the leg press.
I had really wondered if it would all be worth it. That four months was so bad. I can honestly say it was worth it. My results from surgery have been amazing. I have a renewed enthusiasm that I haven't had for years. I swear my body changes daily
that's great news, just don't push it too hard or you will end up reinjuring something

that's the hard part is holding back when you want to keep going
I'm doing great and feel amazing. I'm very strong, but I'm keeping things like shrugs and rows lighter and strict. I've definately put on substantial size. I had 3 light meals before training today and even after my 30 minutes of cardio I was 246lbs. Abs are good, but they almost always are. I can definately tell there is a ton less love handle fat. I'm making great progress quick
I'm doing great and feel amazing. I'm very strong, but I'm keeping things like shrugs and rows lighter and strict. I've definately put on substantial size. I had 3 light meals before training today and even after my 30 minutes of cardio I was 246lbs. Abs are good, but they almost always are. I can definately tell there is a ton less love handle fat. I'm making great progress quick

sounding good man
Man 30 minutes of cardio 6 times a week and I've been great on my diet. Regardless the scale is tipping 250lbs already. I'm not going to cut my calories anymore than they are until I get into really good shape, but I'd love to get to a lean 220. Maybe I'll put it off for a 2015 contest