Throwing in the towel...

Nobody has said it yet, and I was waiting, I just think you're being a puss. JK bro, goodluck not enjoying the greatness of gear. But you'll be back, they always are.
pudgy said:
im having similar more permanet thoughts, some things just arent worth it...

same boat here. Rescheduled cycle 3 times already. I'm debating on whether or not to just go natty from here on out. It takes a toll on you IMO.
pudgy said:
im having similar more permanet thoughts, some things just arent worth it...


Especially when it can be achieved with just a lil more determination & hard work..
I don't really have the option of quiting, as my body doesn't make my own :(
When you get older your body's test production decreases. So supplementing 100mg ew will keep your test levels in the upper normal range. This will be healthier for you in the long run.
natty whats that? j/k You have to take a break from everything every now and then, with the right stuff natty is cool too. just the right foods get expensive.
radical_P said:
When you get older your body's test production decreases. So supplementing 100mg ew will keep your test levels in the upper normal range. This will be healthier for you in the long run.

Ah, but there's a catch. When you supplement, your body wants to return to what it thinks is normal. It makes even less testosterone over time so you must supplement more and more to cover the deficit. My maintenance dose is 400-500mg per week.
(waving arms and dancing) then your sorry Im not helping..
Bull Dog Head said:
Ah, but there's a catch. When you supplement, your body wants to return to what it thinks is normal. It makes even less testosterone over time so you must supplement more and more to cover the deficit. My maintenance dose is 400-500mg per week.

Thats a good maintenance dose...LOL, it more sounds like a year-round cycle to me...:)