Tweaked my lower back...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Yup i pulled a normal, had no idea anything was wrong did front squats and leg presses today for quads. I honestly think it was the leg press that did it. That pad on the seat isnt very soft and as low as i go on it which is as low as the machine will let it i think my lower back became unstable and when i exploded at the bottom something kinda tweaked.

Not unbearable by any means but getting up and down on that hitch area is pretty hard to get through lol. I took some simply sleep and im about to lay down and relax and get some good sleep tonight hell its 8 on a friday and im going to bed never thought that would happen. Hopefully i can have it feeling normal by monday been heating it off and on to loosen it up.

Any tips on keeping the lower back more steady or a softer pad to use while doing leg presses? for quads i put my toes only on the platform and go complete way down so i think that rolled my back off the mat, maybe if i roll up a ab matt or something and put it under me. I guess ill experiment in a couple weeks. God i hope i feel better by monday. :eek:.
Damn that sucks man. I wish I had some insight for ya, but anytime i screw up my lower back I lay on the floor and try to hug my knees and rock back and forth a few times.. It usually loosens up and after a nights sleep ill do it again in the morning. Once I start moving around it seems to get better.

Hope that helps
Sounds like it's time for one of those massages I made a thread about ;) I'm getting one tomorrow. They really help my lower back, which ALWAYS hurts me since I'm bent over a car all day. Some good lower back and glute work and I feel a lot better when I leave.
Yeah i thought about going for a massage but i got alot of personal shit going on and cant spend money unless i have too right now. Feels a bit better today when i woke up but now after eating and getting around on it a little its starting to tighten back up. Gonna rest all weekend and lay around on the heating pad hopefully it helps :(.
Yup i pulled a normal, had no idea anything was wrong did front squats and leg presses today for quads. I honestly think it was the leg press that did it. That pad on the seat isnt very soft and as low as i go on it which is as low as the machine will let it i think my lower back became unstable and when i exploded at the bottom something kinda tweaked.

Not unbearable by any means but getting up and down on that hitch area is pretty hard to get through lol. I took some simply sleep and im about to lay down and relax and get some good sleep tonight hell its 8 on a friday and im going to bed never thought that would happen. Hopefully i can have it feeling normal by monday been heating it off and on to loosen it up.

Any tips on keeping the lower back more steady or a softer pad to use while doing leg presses? for quads i put my toes only on the platform and go complete way down so i think that rolled my back off the mat, maybe if i roll up a ab matt or something and put it under me. I guess ill experiment in a couple weeks. God i hope i feel better by monday. :eek:.

i did the same thing a few weeks ago, during front squats.....

try to stay away from rotating your lower back on the way down when leg pressing..... also always remember to lock out from the hips and not the knees.

a common mistake is when starting anytype of press or squat with legs we always bend with the back, then the hips, then the knees........ try to stiffin the hips out, slight bend in the knee, then start your motion
i did the same thing a few weeks ago, during front squats.....

try to stay away from rotating your lower back on the way down when leg pressing..... also always remember to lock out from the hips and not the knees.

a common mistake is when starting anytype of press or squat with legs we always bend with the back, then the hips, then the knees........ try to stiffin the hips out, slight bend in the knee, then start your motion

yeah ive been trying to keep my back in contact with the pad on leg press but i like to go crazy low thats the only way my quads really get punished, im gonna try adding some padding to it next time, getting worse as the day goes on it seems took me about 30 seconds to stand straight up after sitting in my computer chair for about an hour. I couldnt help but laugh as i was looking like an old man trying to stand up straight haha.

Thanks for the tips brotha.
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My lower back pain is chronic but is caused mainly by my shortened hams. Sounds odd but to get my back to loosen up, I sit on a tennis ball right where the ham meets the glute 2x 30 seconds each side. I also use a foam roller and lay with it under my lower back for a minute or two each day. I also sit on a ball at my desk at home.
if you have good insurance you can get chiropractic care for free. That helped me alot.

when i first read this, i thought it was from deads, and i was worried. My back is still messed up, to where it gives me pain at the end of the day. No heavy squats, no deads at all just yet.
Forgot to update im good now guys, was still sore the next monday but not nearly as bad. Guess something tweaked out of line or soemthing and it got straightened out. If i go in a certain position now i can still feel a little discomfort but ive just written it off and got back to hitting it hard. Havent done any deads or rack pulls yet so that is still iffy. Wont be doing legpress for a while though.