Update on the son's routine


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Well I posted a couple weeks back that my son was maxing at 12. It was compound movements and I wasn't super worried just as long as they weren't doing it all the time. I asked him yesterday and come to find out they are doing this workout Monday Wednesday and Friday
4x10 squats, deadlifts, bench presses, incline bench, and one other exercise. I could see the whole body maybe twice a week but what do you think about the whole body three times and this workout? Just curious.
How old is your son? Is this a school thing or he going gym?

If it's whole
Body workouts where each major movement is only 4sets then I don't believe this is too much. But I also don't know your sons age size etc..
If they're maxing out 3 times a week that's no good, but if it's maxing one day and just circuit style training the rest then it shouldn't be too bad.
Prolly in football offseason???? I was 12 when I first started for football, its a really common thing nowadays.
I would fear that the teacher's idea of good form is different than any of our ideas of good form.
He just turned 12. I have been helping him with form on squats and deads. Hes leaning forward too much but the coach has told him the same thing.
Good, at least you have the same critique

I was going to say the same thing, cause you would have a real problem your son was being told 2 different things between u and his coach

and to answer ur question bro, I honestly think its way too much considering he just turned 12 years old!

Did they even send hope a permission slip of any type?