Vasectomy , Pain in the balls!!!!!!!!!!

Holy shit, if my nut was that big, I would have driven to the doctor immediately. that is huge, specially since I'm used to my test nuts and them not exactly being huge haha.

like I said he has seen them way bigger. Don't that its a comfort but in some strange way I did take the edge off. I have heard of some folks on bed rest for 2 weeks because of the swelling the had. One of the old timers I have as a customer said he got his done and went home to make sure everything still worked. The next morning both of his nuts were the size of oranges he said straight to the ER he went lollololo

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yeah it would be funny to see one of my Raisin Nuts next to that fucking Bull NUT! lol,

It was like my left nut was Godzilla and my right nut was Tokyo hahahahahah
Why would you have a ball the size of a bull testicle... you might be infected with something i would hit the doctor up.. but prolly a different doctor cause that one clearly blows
I would definitely freak out if that happen to me. I'm thinking about having this done this spring or summer....have another kid on the way and do not want another.
this post has made my ass clench just reading it...dam how did u even sit down..imagine being on the shitter and that huge egg dangling down..i want to say i feel ya pain bro but i wont cuz that some thing i dont want to ever feel..
hope all is well soon enough
I would definitely freak out if that happen to me. I'm thinking about having this done this spring or summer....have another kid on the way and do not want another.

in all honesty the procedure wasn't bad and most I say most case its a week to recover and pretty much gtg. I've just had a bad experience and I didn't exactly follow his instructions to the letter either :) so some of this is on me I would say.
I was thinking how messed up it is I will lay this out on here to folks I don't really know but I hardly mention it to my close friends. hahahahaha
in all honesty the procedure wasn't bad and most I say most case its a week to recover and pretty much gtg. I've just had a bad experience and I didn't exactly follow his instructions to the letter either :) so some of this is on me I would say.

its not your fault he wasn't clear about your not being able to keep the cock ring on, lol, who knew right lol
I was thinking how messed up it is I will lay this out on here to folks I don't really know but I hardly mention it to my close friends. hahahahaha

yeah its pretty fucked up that you would subject us to this shit lmao, your bull nuts are imprinted on my brain now, thanks a lot! lol
Holy shit, if my nut was that big, I would have driven to the doctor immediately. that is huge, specially since I'm used to my test nuts and them not exactly being huge haha.

Hell no bro I'd strut that shit on a leash down the strip. Bitches love big balls bro...
Hell no bro I'd strut that shit on a leash down the strip. Bitches love big balls bro...

i don't know about that bro lol, in high school i once sat on my balls the first time i wore loose draws, and for the last 15 years I've had a little hacky sack purched under my dick, so I've had both ends of the spectrum and the hacky sack is much better lmao! makes my dick look twice as big, so 2 inches now looks like 4 lmao
i don't know about that bro lol, in high school i once sat on my balls the first time i wore loose draws, and for the last 15 years I've had a little hacky sack purched under my dick, so I've had both ends of the spectrum and the hacky sack is much better lmao! makes my dick look twice as big, so 2 inches now looks like 4 lmao

Yup I try to go for that michael Phelps look to my dick all smooth as a baby's bottom and I put a swimming cap on my balls. Gotta try to make it look as good as it can right? Plus now I'm aerodynamic as shit so me and lil Phelps keep breaking pr 's in the bedroom. Aiming for 7.3 seconds tonight