What I've been up to

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I started running out a few months ago and had some issues with getting a new prescription since I had to go to a new Dr. I ended up running out of test about 3 months ago. I then ran out of Deca 6 weeks ago.
I also started doing cardio 5 days a week around this time. I noticed almost no strength loss. I did notice that I wasn't as seperated or 3D. I did have zero sex drive and felt a little crappy. I had some issues from my car accident and ended up in the ER for a night. At the end of all of this I was 235 from about 250.
I got back on my HRT dose of test (200mg) and maybe went to the gym 2 times in the last 2 weeks. We went on vacation for a week. I went to the gym today and I was 250lbs again!
So for now the plan is
450mg a week of Deca
450mg a week of Test
40mg of DMZ
My goal is to gain about 5lbs and get a little leaner. I expected to lose alot more size and weight. I'll also say I never would've believed how much size and strength you can maintain with 200mg a week!
I'm pretty motivated again so hopefully I can keep it going!
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glad ur back big guy. I also started back getting into it within the past 2 weeks not really fully there mentally but have lifted heavy a couple times and had a great back/bi workout today. I started taking that cybersupplements m1t last week did 40mg today and felt like a beast had a good chest workout last week and look forward to tomorrows workout at 50mg. I stopped that dieting shit and started eating like a champ again which makes a huge difference in my strength
That is pretty nice to take off a little time and then weigh more when you come back. Pretty good welcome back to the gym sign!
that's the story of my life one big yo-yo quit for a few months at a time and go till im back where I left off but my max size is my max I seem to hit a wall and not gain anymore size so i'm hoping with my 16 bottles of IGF-1 taking 30 days off in between bottles things might change. really thought is the 50 day mark the stopping point on igf? before needing time off .or should I start a new post?
That is pretty nice to take off a little time and then weigh more when you come back. Pretty good welcome back to the gym sign!

He just got fat. Dont let him fool you. He was at the house the other night and ate me out of house and home. Damn near ate an entire bag of chips and had a heaping pile of fajitas my wife made. Then I had to give him money so he could get home... True Story.
aww hell you'll bounce back in no time if anything maybe the off time helped with some minor strains and pains.
He just got fat. Dont let him fool you. He was at the house the other night and ate me out of house and home. Damn near ate an entire bag of chips and had a heaping pile of fajitas my wife made. Then I had to give him money so he could get home... True Story.

Lol!! That's dirty! I needed $1.25 for the toll. I had no cash Lol!
255lbs this morning. I'm strong, but damn am I bloated. Hasn't hit my face yet, but everything is super tight
255lbs this morning, but I don't look bloated. Just big and full. My face still hasn't puffed up so I'm wondering where the weight went. I didn't go too heavy, but I could tell that my strength was up. My elbows felt a little dry. I guess that should be expected since I've been off for so long and just did my second shot of Deca
I don't think I ever noticed any sides from M1T. Its a great product. Weight seems to be holding around 255 or so. I need to eat more meat on my days off from work. I've just been laying around. I'm very lethargic
i don't think i ever noticed any sides from m1t. Its a great product. Weight seems to be holding around 255 or so. I need to eat more meat on my days off from work. I've just been laying around. I'm very lethargic

it is a good product for sure!