What kind of split would you recommend


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
For a friend who hasn't been in the gym in over 10 years. Yes 10. I told him I thought maybe the whole body in compound moves over two days with a rest day in between. I was also considering three days with a rest day in between each day such as monday wednesday friday. What do you guys think? Im thinking with compounds the whole body twice in a week with one compound move per part wouldn't be bad as long as he just works out four days in the week.
I think that sounds ok.. Or you could spit it in upper body one day then lower body the next still with the day rest in-between. That way u get more rest. Continue that for about 4 weeks the step it up a notch change the split, Increase work load and intensity bit by bit. When I introduce new clients to the gym I like to keep them on 4 week blocks. Started them off with the basics and getting them the learn And increase workload every 4weeks.
Cool. Im just trying to help. He had good genetics and worked out in high school. Had like 17 inch arms in high school at 5'8. Hes fat now but has lost 35 pounds dieting and is making good progress. I really wanted to help him and just was looking for some input.
I agree with Boomer, when I get new clients, I put them on an upper body then lower body circuit. It's easy for them to remember and allows for plenty of rest. He's going to be sore, so maybe 2 days off in between if he's really sore.
upper and lower body circuits are great for new clients and people just getting started. i usually get them started with total body
workouts first then up it to splits

personally for myself i like a 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off split