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    Elbow pain

    Its gotten progressively worse over the last couple of months or so. It's gotten really bad the last few weeks. It hurts more sharply around the tricep insertion but it is surrounded by a dull ache all around and inside my elbow and down my arm. Feels like a combination of growing pains and...
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    Elbow pain

    Anyone experience nagging elbow pain and what did you to make it better? Been pretty consistent in the gym and cardio last couple of weeks, but this damn nagging pain is making it difficult and have to cut it short sometimes. It's progressively gotten worse over the last few months. Basically it...
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    Quick question

    Probably went through might bruise up but you should be fine. You would know pretty quickly if oil got in one.
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    Taking Clen before cardio in empty stomach....

    I could never tolerate clen...I turn into a jittery mess. Body shaking, even my jaw shakes like I have hypothermia. T3 also makes me feel terrible. I just stick to ECA.
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    Planet Fitness is an equal opportunity discriminator

    Like mcgaret I want to go to one of these and just eat all of their pizza and doughnuts. To fit in with the rest of the group I think I'll wear a a polo shirt and jeans. I'll go in and just shove piles of pizza/doughnuts in my face while curling a 1 lb dumbell. No one will suspect a thing. lol.
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    Trader Joes

    Everything is good there except for their meat. It's far too expensive for generally sub par cuts of meat. I would rather go to the super market for meat or better yet a costco/sams club.
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    Jay Cutler@ Arnold

    Yeah noticed that in both photos. Probably from years of hgh and other supps.
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    ECA about that time..

    I have fairly normal BP, but it can cause high BP in people who take it. Everyone is different and you'll have to see how it affects you.
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    Hrt bottles being short?

    Definitely seems logical and from days past I knew this to be an accurate assumption. Why don't you try it out? Draw .9, pull out, turn it over and draw in air. I'm not sure it will be exactly .1ml but you can test and see exactly how much over you are each time. For RX stuff they are usually...
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    Cell phones and gym time

    I only bring my cell phone when I'm on call for work. Other than that it stays at home.
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    Wesley vs. Squat Police

    Damn Wes...looking huge! Awesome video. These might be just the thing to give some motivation to hit it harder in the gym and with diet. Been slacking off with the training lately...mostly because of work, but also me just being lazy. lol. What does your diet look like these days?
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    ECA about that time..

    I take the stuff nearly every day gym or not. It goes with my morning cup of coffee. lol. I eat a lot of junk at times and it keeps me from turning into a complete lard ass. Other than that gives me a nice boost in the gym - strength wise and endurance.
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    What do you guys do to get thru soreness

    If I'm really sore I'll do some cardio and stretching. Not hardcore interval training just a light run. Also good diet and rest.
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    F***ing Hypocrits

    I was pretty surprised they have been marketing androgel as much as they have given all the steroid related crap in the news, but it just shows the general naivety or stupidity of the public and how Big Pharmaceuticals use advertising and marketing to hide what they are selling in plain sight...
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    About to become a human science experiment...

    How old are you? You make some pretty broad reaching statements there bro. I've got to echo every ones sentiments on why do you feel the need to do all these things at once and what do you think it will do for you? Are you that impatient that you can't spread these items out over several cycles...
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    Wat guys keep you coming back to the MC ?

    First and foremost the members, but second to that is the management of the board. Most other boards are cashing in on supporting sponsers that rip off their members and are just generally shady. I have never ran into that at MC. I was a Site Rep here for years so I know both sides and can tell...
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    Do you take time to warm up before you train?

    Not really - just a light stretch and then jump into light weight followed by heavier weight.
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    Unsolicited advice...

    This is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. People are just ridiculous. I occasionally hear people say stuff like this to other people at my gym and normally just shake my head in disgust. Sadly, He was probably just trying to impress you. LMAO. Funny enough people hardly ever talk to...
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    Pulled one Friday night

    I've come to the realization that I just can't drink like that anymore. It's not enjoyable and ruins multiple days. Not sure how or why I thought it was enjoyable to get that intoxicated all those years. lol.
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    There are a few research chems, peptides, and prohormones I have used that are worth while: SARMs: Ostarine (ml-2866), PH: Super DMZ, and IGF-1 from MC store.