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    primo tabs

    My lady did Inj. primo at 100mg a week and did good.Vars is a great drug for lady's 5-10mg a day very safe.
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    oil based winny vs water base

    There is no difference.Up north (canada)we have Test susp in EO oil,goes in smooth.:pleased:
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    db006 5 weeks out nats

    How did you do at the show,and man your very thick,and 5'5 wow.
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    IGF/GHRP-6 Healing Tendons

    I was better with GH,but might try IGF-LR3 in time.
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    Your opinion on PCt

    Here is what i do, Week 1: week after last test e shoot 2500iu,then another shot 5 day later at 2500ui Week 2: Clomid 100mg until my bottle of 50caps are done Week 5: Nolva 40mg ed Week 7-week 8: Nolva 20mg ed, Week 9 done all PCT Week 10 back on the gear want to get big and strong haha.
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    Why GH and China don't mix...

    Here is another GH pic,so gh must be coming from china.
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    What is your current dosing of IGF-1

    I haven't taking the stuff,just gh but some people say it debunk about the results,maybe you guy think different since you seen result.I might try it in the future,but will find out what kind i can get,then i will post a pic to see if the stuff is real.Great thread btw,many people i seen online...
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    injuried left shoulder

    Yep your pec muscles and bicep make up the front delt.So again i will say this again go get a massage it works wonders.
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    shit workout

    This is what i take so i don't have shit workout,i take eca's,or clen,or Helios caps.
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    Why GH and China don't mix...

    No nutropin pics,but i have other gh pick lets see what i can load up,i get all my pics from outlawmuscle.Do you want me to have hcg at the bottle of the pics so you guys feel better haha. Okay maybe this gh is fake haha,all china stuff is crap haha.
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    I have 2 guys i train with off-and on and they have been on TNT(test e 250 &tren e 150mg) per ml,for almost 2 years straight at 1ml 400mg per ml,a total of 800mg a week and man do they look amazing.But these guy won't take oral anymore just not worth it for them.
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    How Important is depth on your shots??

    If your fat you need 1.5inch,but if your lean 1inch more than enough,i do half in shots for delt.When i did compete i did half inch shot for glutes.I ask my doctor and he said if you have very low fat level you don't have to go deep,but you can.
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    Anyone currently using CJC-1295?

    We think the same.:thumbsup:
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    Why GH and China don't mix...

    Oh ya when i took the pic off the net i didn't put HGH,but put hcg just a little bobo.Is it crap? I never did Hardcore,just Kefei only.
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    Looks good,but i'm not a fan of D-bol as it all water,would take var if i had to a pick.Tren a is not as bad as most people think,but Tren e you can take the shot once a week not like the ed shot,but if you have no problem with shots every day then go for it.Best of luck!
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    Why GH and China don't mix...

    Ya true it just made for the Black market but this all the Generic GH,here is another pic...
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    Why GH and China don't mix...

    Yep i call it BS as well,there are many great GH kits out there. Here is a pic of some good GH... BTW i love stove pics haha.
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    Barbell or EZ bar curls.

    Your right 21's haha.
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    Techniques for blasting stubborn muscles?

    For me its Drop setsor rest pause that work best,but pre-exhaute works well for me,but with over 19 years of training i don't want to put my body like that sad to say this,but i like being in good shape,don't want to be sore,or injured anymore,plus i haven't competed in years.All i can say it...