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  1. Precore

    A whole pizza?

    I wish I had never read this thread! F-ing guys and your pizza!
  2. Precore

    Natural diuretic foods

    Ha, that's funny.
  3. Precore

    Pistol silencers.

    No kidding, that came from way out in left field.
  4. Precore

    Pistol silencers.

    Guns freak me out.:sick:
  5. Precore

    Natural diuretic foods

    That's due to the cellulose but there are certainly more nutritious was to go about getting cellulose!
  6. Precore

    Natural diuretic foods

    That would have to be my favorite too!!!
  7. Precore

    Damn bicep will not stop twitching?

    I like bananas.
  8. Precore

    Mis-counting reps?

    I know what you mean, I can get pretty out of it when I am on a diet! It's embarrassing!
  9. Precore

    Mis-counting reps?

    HA HA! I feel you on that one!!!
  10. Precore

    Natural diuretic foods

    Natural foods with high water content such as watermelons and cucumbers help increase urination and better flushing out of toxins. Cucumbers are rich in sulfur and silicon that stimulate the kidneys into better removal of uric acid. Watercress and artichokes are also natural diuretic foods...
  11. Precore

    Sure, PM me later.

    Sure, PM me later.
  12. Precore

    Massage after training? Good idea or bad idea?

    I had tried this a few weeks ago and it killed me! I had a deep tissue done about 3 or 4 hours after my workout and I was sore for days! This could just be me though; it was a relatively new workout and I tend to get a lot of knots in between my shoulder blades. I usually love deep tissue, next...
  13. Precore

    The EZ Whey Cookbook: Clean Eats that Taste like Cheats!

    Wow, this does sound great!
  14. Precore

    Get more from the leg press- horizontal

    For quads keep your feet lower on the Platform. To target your glutes place Your feet higher on ther platform. My feet definately need to be higher!
  15. Precore

    Fit 50: Gina's Recipe Book!

    I'm so excited to get it and it's only $10 bucks! She also has resistance bands on her site.:)
  16. Precore

    Stacey Oster IFBB BIKINI PRO

    Original Pic.
  17. Precore

    seriously, if you're a bitch ass trainer don't get in my face!

    I didn't read all of your posts because I'm on my phone but I just want to say how much I hate the stupid trainers at my gym. They are all fat and say they 'compete'! What a joke! One in particular is some fat phillipino man who has saggy man breasts who tries to high five me inbetween one of...
  18. Precore

    Stacey Oster IFBB BIKINI PRO

    Hmm. I'll try again.
  19. Precore

    Stacey Oster IFBB BIKINI PRO

    Stacey Oster IFBB BIKINI PRO -Super cute!